Customer Reviews for Bifen IT

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4.7 of 5 stars
(1588 customer reviews)
Bifen IT

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Displaying 901 to 930 (of 1588 reviews)
  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bifen IT Review

    By Jon on 06/07/2019

    This is the same active ingredient in concentrated form as one finds in pre-mixed insect spray in the big box home stores at much higher prices. It works. DoMyOwn has good products at competitive prices with excellent service. I buy all my yard chemicals from them. DoMyOwn provides specifications on their website for customer consideration before ordering.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Best on the market

    By Franklin on 06/07/2019

    Service and product is awesome. Will definitely be ordering again.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Biden IT

    By Martiny on 06/12/2019

    It's my go to for bug and ant control. Been using it for years and will continue to. Nothing better.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    How Biz is done

    By Jeff on 06/14/2019

    Very simple process. I order it, they ship the correct item and it arrives safely, securely and on time. Killed all the bugs with it. Perfect.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    good stuff

    By John on 06/14/2019

    fast free shipping. a friend of mine told me about this stuff to control ticks and mosquitoes. works a lot like tempo, but at a fraction of the cost.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Very effective

    By Julie on 06/15/2019

    I purchased Bifen IT to eliminate about one billion clover mites that were covering our front porch and steps. The Bifen container made it super simple to measure accurately the correct amount and the product itself worked well. I sprayed the front porch area several weeks ago and all the clover mites are gone and have not returned. Highly recommend.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bifen I/T

    By Kim on 06/17/2019

    I contacted customer service to recommend a product. I ordered the wrong quantity by mistake. I contacted them immediately and they corrected my error immediately. No questions and no hassle. Product arrived on time and in good condition.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great product

    By Sj on 06/21/2019

    Great product, and the price is definitely worth the reward of keeping all types of critters out of your house (or wherever you need them gone).

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Best price for excellect indoor/outdoor spray

    By Linda on 06/21/2019

    Much cheaper than any other websites and way beyond "much less expensive" than exterminator. Love being able to use the same product both inside and out and I spray on my schedule not someone else schedule WITH NO ODOR. Even my sister with COPD is NOT affected by an odor. Kills everything I need killed and more. Highly recommended to family and friends.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great Product

    By Les on 06/21/2019

    so we all know there is a boat load of products out there that do what Bifen does. Like you i have used all of them. I like all of them. But as someone that has sprayed for every bug know to mankind for over 51 years...this is now my product of choice. it kills a boat load of different bugs, doesn't stink, doesn't stain. I like the Bifen XT real well also...just depends if im spraying on yard or around foundations.

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  • 3 of 5 Stars

    Biden is Great But Needs Help

    By Dennis on 06/22/2019

    This product is generally a good one but must be used with a surfactant and mixed with other insecticides if you want a fast knockdown.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Get it before it is outlawed in your state.

    By Steve on 06/23/2019

    I first sprayed 1oz/gallon Biffen IT around the outside of my house in Atlanta GA, and in the creavises of my carport. About 2 hours later I went to the carport and there were dead and dieing American cockroaches all over. Months later, I was still finding dieing roaches flipped over on their backs in my basement and upstairs. And yes, cockroaches can fly.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Saved me from moving

    By Trevor on 06/24/2019

    I purchased this product (at the best price I could find btw) in a effort to knock down the amount of mosquitoes in my yard. I live in the woods, with lots of leaves and a nearby swamp. Last year's as well as this year's spring have been very very rainy, which means lots of water around to breed Mosquitoes...Nothing I could do about that. They would swarm my car windows upon entering my driveway. It was unbearable to even walk from my car to the house, parked inside an attached garage. Using our yard was hopeless without heavy application of high Deet % bug repellents, and even that wasn't enough to stop from having to constantly swat at them. Not fun, practical, or good for us, especially our young kids. I generally don't like using poisons, but we honestly were to the point of talking about moving as the mosquitoes were simply too much. I applied Bifen as directed to the underside of my deck, underside of all my plants in the yard, and the perimeter plants and fallen leaves in the woods. Took about 6 gallons in a pump sprayer. That means 6 oz of Bifen. The effect was noticeable the next day, and even more so the following day. I can now use my yard freely without repellent. Still have a few mosquitoes, but NOTHING like it was. I did get eaten alive while spraying. This stuff does not appear to knock them down right away. Don't be surprised or disappointed by that. It will work. I've also used this around all my points of entry on my house to control ants and spiders. Which it appears effective as well. As a bonus, I've gone through my yard and sprayed a few second burst down the holes of the large ant population that was killing my grass and have seen dramatic results as well. I continue to see a normal amount of (for my area) dragon flys in my yard, tree frogs on my deck, as well as toads in the grass, birds by day, and bats at night. I can only assume they are largely unaffected, their welfare was a concern for me as I enjoy ALMOST all the wildlife in the yard. I've had no problems with the product clogging my sprayer. It seems to mix well at the proper ratio. I pour in measured amount of product, then add required water. I usually give it a couple shakes too for good measure. With the absurd amount of flooding rain my area has continued to receive, its been about a month, and I feel I need to reapply. Dry season the effects will likely last longer. No worries though, as to date, I've used a total of maybe 15oz, out of the 96oz jug. At this rate, the 40 some dollar jug will last me longer than it's shelf life of a couple years. I'll likely offer some to my neighbors for their yards as it will benefit all of us to have a larger treated area.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great job on gnats

    By Mark on 06/27/2019

    Our family of three kids and two dogs can now go outside and not worry about getting eaten alive by gnats and other nasty insects. I sprayed at the max rate according to the label using a backpack sprayer and all of the gnats were literally gone the next day. This is very affordable and will be using this every month in lieu of my old pest control company's $65/app. rates.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Jeff on 06/28/2019

    We had a terrible mosquito problem at our place in northern Wisconsin, I ordered this and followed the directions for application and it worked awsome. We could tell the difference within hours and it just got better. This is a great product.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bifen IT

    By Rick on 06/28/2019

    Great stuff. East to mix. Super concentrated so you use less the regular Bifen.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Kerry on 06/28/2019

    Works great on mosquitoes you just have to up the Ratio of Bifen to water I use 3 to 4 ounces per gallon of water

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    first time using Bifen IT

    By Jim on 06/29/2019

    I live in an area that has a lot of Mosquitos, to the point you almost can not be outside. The day I sprayed they were gone, and it lasted 3 weeks. Have recommended to some neighbors and it is also working for them. I highly recommend this product

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Mosquito spray

    By Norman on 07/05/2019

    Bifen IT is by far the most effective chemical I have ever used to kill the mosquitoes in my yard. Considering the small amount needed and the length of time between treatments, the price is more than a bargain.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Spittle Bug problem

    By George on 07/05/2019

    Had a problem with spittle bugs and not having much luck controlling them. I read up and it was suggested to combine DeltaGard granules for those hiding under thatch with a spray application of Bifen IT and haven't seen a spittle bug since.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great Products / Even Better Service

    By Rodney on 07/05/2019

    Third time ordering from Do My Own and once again they knocked it out if the park. Easily found what I needed in their website. Placed order in Monday morning and products were delivered on Wednesday afternoon. What more can you ask for! Thanks for being a company that truly seems to know how to provide great customer service.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Dick on 07/05/2019

    Best price yet on great product and unbelievably fast shipping

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great job on gnats

    By Mark on 07/05/2019

    Our family of three kids and two dogs can now go outside and not worry about getting eaten alive by gnats and other nasty insects. I sprayed at the max rate according to the label using a backpack sprayer and all of the gnats were literally gone the next day. This is very affordable and will be using this every month in lieu of my old pest control company's $65/app. rates.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great product...

    By Anna on 07/05/2019

    I initially bought Bifen IT because I absolutely HATE grasshoppers! Other expensive products just were not getting the job done. So I spray according to directions and did so in the early evening. My pets stay in at night, so no worries there. The next morning I checked under my shrubs, in the rocks, around the house, etc. and and not only were the Grandfathers of Grasshoppers just lying around (dead), I saw wasps/yellow jackets, too. I also put it in a gallon sprayer and spray any ant piles that show up in early spring. I'm a believer and won't use any other products for bugs. This summer I am going to try it on those green worms that eat the buds on my petunias (unless anyone else has any better ideas). Thanx for a great product!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    DYI bug killing

    By Michael on 07/05/2019

    Apprehensive at first. Awesome product. Especially for the price. Kicked the $90.00 a month "professionals" to the curb. No monthly bills. Winner winner chicken dinner ????

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Clover mite infestation

    By Mike on 07/09/2019

    Great product. Had clover mites all over my property. They were crawling up my exterior, on my windows, between the screens and the windows, on stone columns, in the rocks, thousands of them. They had spread to all the neighbors houses. I sprayed Bifen around my foundation, on my stone columns, and on my retaining walls one morning. The next day I did not see one mite. This product did exactly what it is advertised to do. I will be spraying again in early fall when the larvae hatch and the mites reappear. Don't call a pest control company. Buy this product.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great product, will definitely purchase again

    By Sean on 07/10/2019

    Had to get ready for a graduation open house and living in the country and close to a river, mosquitoes have always been a problem. I have tried numerous other products with no luck. Gave Biden IT a try and we have not had an issue w mosquitoes since spraying. Put down almost a month ago and have gone through numerous thunderstorms since and still no issues. I am sold on this and will order again when my bottle runs out.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Use on mosquitos

    By John on 07/12/2019

    Works great apply every cpl of weeks depningvon the rain gets rid of mosquitoes and many others

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works for me

    By Corley on 07/12/2019

    I have used this for years ever since my pest control guy told me what their company used. This is the active ingredient in the big name products.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great Protection Around House Foundation

    By David on 07/12/2019

    A big "Thank you" for the staff on their recommendations for using Bifen IT as a broad spectrum barrier protection of my house's foundation and yard to help control a wide variety of creepy crawlers pests here in Boston Ma...2yrs going strong fighting the good fight!! I couldn't be happier that I canceled my yearly contract for perimeter pest control of ants, spiders and other creepy crawlers. I've saved money, time and don't see any creepy crawlers inside or out after working with the great folks at "DMO" who helped me solve my creepy crawlers issues once and for all!

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Displaying 901 to 930 (of 1588 reviews)