Overseeding of treated areas within 3 months after a single application of Dimension 2EW, or within 4 months after a split application program may inhibit the establishment of desirable turfgrass.
We would recommend Dimension 2EW for pre-emergent control but also consulting with your local extension office in your county for advisement on a fertilizer and weed control program.
Fertilome Weed Free Zone is a great post emergent broadleaf herbicide that is labeled for oxalis, black medic, burclover, and dozens of other broad weeds.
We do not recommend mixing any type of paint with Dimension 2EW Herbicide. We do sell several varieties of spray indicators which are safe to use with herbicides, fungicides, or insecticides on your turf. Our most popular choice is Turf Mark Blue.
Dimension 2EW Herbicide may lose it's effectiveness after being frozen repeatedly. If it has separated it would be best to replace. It should be stored in a cool, dry place out of extreme temperatures and direct sunlight.
Dimension 2EW Herbicide should be applied when the soil temperature is at least 55 degrees Fahrenheit. This is generally done in early to mid March through the beginning of April depending on the temperature.
Dimension 2EW is a pre-emergent herbicide, so it is best applied before soil temperatures reach those that are optimal for the weeds you are targeting. This is generally before soil temperatures reach 55 degrees in the spring. In the fall, you would want to apply before soil temperatures cool to those favorable for these weeds, usually below 70 degrees. We recommend contacting your local Cooperative Extension for the best recommendation on application timing in your area.
We would not recommend Gallery 75 DF, as it's not labeled for Crabgrass or Poa annua. We would recommend to use Dimension 2EW Herbicide, it's labeled to help with pre-emergent control of Crabgrass, Spotted Spurge and Poa Annua, it's also safe to use on Bermudagrass (except on Tifgreen 328 hybrid), Zoysia and Tall Fescue. Dimension 2EW can also be used on landscaped ornamentals.
The best time to apply Dimension 2EW Herbicide is after the ground is no longer frozen and before the soil temperatures reach 60 degrees.
Dimension 2EW Herbicide does not stain but does have a mild odor.
Yes, Dimension 2EW can be tank mixed with a variety of other herbicides and fertilizers. It is always recommended to do a test mix first to make sure whatever product you are wanting to use with the Dimension blends easily and does not cause clumping or any reaction that would cause your equipment to clog. Keep in mind herbicides containing Glyphosate are non-selective, so it will kill any plants that you spray with it. If you are planning on doing a lawn renovation such as reseeding, you will need to wait a full season after applying Dimension before you can reseed the lawn.
You will need .75 - 3.0 pints of Dimension 2EW per acre. The exact amount you will need will be based on what region you are located in and what program you choose. Please refer to page 5 of the Dimension 2EW Herbicide Label for more specific information
Dimension 2EW Herbicide is a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent weeds from germintating so it will not kill existing quackgrass. Unfortunately, there is really nothing that can be done other than spot treating with a Roundup-type product.
Dimension 2EW Herbicide should be applied in the fall once soil temperatures have fallen below 70 degrees.
Dimension 2EW Herbicide is not labeled for creeping Charlie. Unfortunately, we are not aware of a pre-emergent labeled for that particular weed.
Buffalograss is listed on the Dimension 2EW Herbicide product label as tolerable with a note: Do not use this product on seedling buffalograss in the spring of the first year of establishment until the turfgrass is fully green and has established new roots. Dimension 2EW is a pre-emergent herbicide, so it is best applied before soil temperatures reach those that are optimal for the weeds you are targeting. This is generally before soil temperatures reach 55 degrees in the spring. In the fall, you would want to apply before soil temperatures cool to those favorable for these weeds, usually below 70 degrees. We recommend contacting your local Cooperative Extension for the best recommendation on application timing in your area.
For Dimension 2EW Herbicide you would really need to plant first and then apply, otherwise during planting you would be disturbing the barrier that Dimension creates and it will not be as effective.
Per the product label: For ornamentals within non-crop areas, apply only after transplanting when soil around roots has been thoroughly settled by rainfall or irrigation and no cracks are present, and only to plants listed in the Tolerant Ornamental section of this label, or injury may result
Yes, Dimension can be tank mixed with a variety of other herbicides such as 2,4-D and fertilizers. It is always recommended to do a test mix first to make sure whatever product you are wanting to use with the Dimension blends easily and does not cause clumping or any reaction that would cause your equipment to clog.