Customer Reviews for Drive XLR8 Herbicide Crabgrass Killer

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Average Customer Rating

4.3 of 5 stars
(434 customer reviews)
Displaying 151 to 180 (of 434 reviews)
  • 5 of 5 Stars

    excellent service and find

    By Yolanda on 11/03/2017

    Prices are great. Delivery to our office was fast. Wish I knew about this sooner. I highly recommend buying. Shipping was free with this purchase!!!!

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  • 3 of 5 Stars

    Mixed feelings

    By Eddie on 06/01/2018

    I used the product as stated by the directions on label and had little effectiveness on the weeds in my Bermuda yard. It does help to kill some of the weeds on the label which it states it can control but I did not have that high of positive results. I did a second application about 4 week after to try and strengthen the efficiency of the product with only minor improvements. I will continue to use the product seeing how I have already opened and started using it but I am hopeful that there maybe a chance for a positive outcome in the near future. Somethings just get better with time. Fingers crossed????????

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works Perfect

    By Brad on 07/06/2018

    Just add MSO and it works perfectly. Used in my new Zoysia grass. I used the product 8 weeks after the sod was laid. I pulled the crabgrass (including the roots) multiple times. It kept coming back. It took two passes with this product to get everything. The Zoysia was slightly stressed but not harmed.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Drive xLr8 crabgrass killer

    By Glenn on 07/15/2018

    Works great / fast service and I will order again I highly recommend this product.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Very effective

    By John on 08/03/2018

    Used a tow behind tank sprayer, easy to mix and saw the effect two days later. Crabgrass turning yellow and wilting.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    using drive xlr8

    By Jimmy on 08/05/2018

    I have used other products. they did not work.this product starts working in about two days. just use as directed. it does a great job.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Drive XLR8 Herbicide

    By Robert on 08/17/2018

    Works great. Very effective crabgrass killer. I sprayed the crabgrass twice, three days apart and it was dead in a week

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Really effective

    By Steve on 08/31/2018

    Works like nothing else I've tried on Post emergent crab grass.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    DRIVE xlr8

    By Dave on 09/29/2018

    Mixed 64 oz. per 55 gallons of water plus 75 oz. of 2 ,4,D killed basically all crabgrass and most chickweed and broadleaves. I used 3 55 gallons sprayers for right at 2 1/2 acres. Very satisfy with the results. I noticed a yellowing of the crab grass about 24 to 30 hours later completely dead on the fourth day. Would have already plugged and sown grass seeds and fertilizer but it started raining.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Drive XLR8

    By Paul on 03/15/2019

    I have used Drive XLR8 with a surfactant and have not received the results I expected. Having a hard time killing Crabgrass.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Buffalo Grass

    By Laura on 05/24/2019

    Verified Purchase

    I am using Drive with surfactant to kill off a massive invasion of bindweed in my new buffalo grass lawn. It works great and does not harm the grass at all. One thing you need to get used to, is it does not show results for at least 6-7 days. Just follow the directions, as far as mixing rates, and it will work. My only complaint is it doesn't kill more varieties of weeds. This spring I'm going to add Ferti-lome Weed Free Zone to my mix and see if this gets most of the other weeds. I'm using a pump sprayer and spot treating. One other thing, DoMyOwn customer service is 5-star and they ship fast. Really love these guys.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Goodbye crabgrass

    By Alan on 09/01/2019

    For years I've been trying to find a effective crabgrass killer and this is the product. Yard maintenance is something I take great pride in. I enjoy the finished product even more. If you have a crabgrass issue,get this product, follow the directions and see results within 48 hours. Total kill in 5-7 days. The large well established clumps may require spot treatment followup. To control weeds present you will need to add a weed control product available from this seller. I have ordered as late as 4 p and every order I have placed received same day shipping. I recommend Do My Own for products, price and service. Thanks.. Do My Own

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    First time trying

    By Andrew on 09/10/2019

    I got tired of seeing crabgrass multiply over my newly replaced marathon sod so I decided to try something new. I did not see any improvement using off the shelf spray herbicide so I did some reading and came across Drive XLR. Not knowing the success rate and going off the reviews from this website, I decided to give it a try Labor Day. I followed the instructions down to a T (measure the lawn coverage, test out the amount of water spray and mixed with the XLR). Did not water or mow the lawn next two days per instruction. Day 3 I started to notice the disorientation in color where the crabgrass laid within my lawn. My guess is the herbicide is working as it should. I will wait within a week before spraying Sedgehammer to rid of the nutsedge growing. XLR has proven to work on my lawn without damaging other nursery plants.

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  • 3 of 5 Stars

    Mixed results

    By Tom on 09/13/2019

    I had mixed results, initial browning in two days but the crabgrass is regaining its color. I followed mixing directions and used with oil as directed. Not sure where I went wrong. This may be my fault not the product but figure it could happen to others a well.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Doesn't work well for all weeds listed

    By Scott on 04/03/2020

    30 years experience with bermuda grass and successful and health lawns. Bought it to control clover that 24d based product would control. The application rate listed didn't do anything to the clover. Upped the rate and it provided marginal control but also turned the bermuda yellow for a period of time and the clover eventually came back. This has ZERO effect on dollarweed. If you have dollar weed and crabgrass would recommend MSMA. Will bite the bullet and buy some more MSMA. Works better on a number of grassy weeds too.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Drive XLR8 Herbicide Crabgrass Killer

    By Gary on 06/05/2020

    I have always fought crabgrass until receiving Drive XLR8. All I can say is it works! I would buy again.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Old reliable

    By Robert on 06/12/2020

    Stop using for a couple of years, don't know why but anyways weeds getting out of control. Went back to this and works AWESOME!!!! Never again will I not use this.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Crabgrass destroyer!

    By Mike on 07/03/2020

    If you are trying to kill crab grass or mostly any other grassy weeds this with mso is by far the beat product I have ever used to kill crabgrass. Nothing else compares for crabgrass

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Not impressed

    By Brad on 07/24/2020

    Mixed 3 tbs per gallon as directed. The crabgrass did turn a pale shade of yellow, but has not died and is still thriving!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Crabgrass gone..

    By George on 08/21/2020

    Great product and it kills crabgrass in two days... Better than what you get at Tractor Supply which only turns crabgrass brown...

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Very Effective

    By Steve on 09/04/2020

    Very selective and effective! Crabgrass had taken over but after treating it I'm left with the grass I want before I aerate and overseed. Tip: to Measure 3 oz for a 2 gallon spreader, I cut bottom 1/4 off from a 12oz can that worked well for me.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Excellent product

    By Cal on 09/05/2020

    We had a heavy stand of crabgrass this year since i didn't apply a pre-emergent in the spring. Sprayed XLR8 (with Duo Stick Select) on Sunday evening and by Thursday the crabgrass was totally brown. No damage to the bluegrass/fescue lawn.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars

    Not worth the price

    By Jeff on 09/08/2020

    Did not work very well for me. i would recomend using QuinKill Max

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    DRive XLR8 worked well

    By William on 09/10/2020

    I applied Drive XLR8 in late July to my Western PA lawn that was overrun with crabgrass. I had tried other products from Tractor Supply and had zero results. I applied as directed on the container and repeated application in 14 days. I used a 3-point sprayer and used 64 oz. of Drive XLR8 and 40 gallon of water to treat 45,000 sq. ft. After first application crabgrass yellowed but did not completely die. After second application it died completely. Great product that I will buy again next year!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Chris on 09/11/2020

    Kills the weeds perfectly!!! I'd buy this again in a heart beat

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works great!

    By Clint on 09/25/2020

    Spot sprayed in my front yard where crab grass came up beside my sod, killed it all within a few days. Blanket sprayed in my back yard that I haven't renovated yet. The backyard mixture had 2-4D mixed in too. Pretty much everything died except my grass and some random goose grass. Excellent product that will stay in my yard maintenance arsenal.....highly recommend if you have crabgrass.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Crabgrass Killer

    By Mark on 09/15/2021

    Does the job. 3-5 days weeds showed signs of dying. My cool season turf unharmed. The only drawback is, weeks later treated crabgrass shows brown patches in lawn. Will definitely need to treat with pre emergent next Spring. Plan on aeration over-seeding to thicken lawn.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars


    By Anthony on 09/17/2021

    Treated Crabgrass twice in 2 weeks with correct dosage and the crabgrass has not been phased.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    This is perfect for killing St Augustine

    By Chris on 04/19/2022

    I tried to find a herbicide specifically designed to kill at Augustine in Bermuda. I couldn't find anything with that specific purpose. Turns out it's a happy side effect of using Drive XLR8.

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  • 1 of 5 Stars


    By Ted on 08/09/2022

    Have sprayed crabgrass three times still not dead has barley turnd colors 2 weeks later still the same

    Expert Response  Expert response:
    We apologize you did not achieve the intended results. Drive works best on young newly emerged weeds, more mature weeds may require repeat application, it can also take up to 6 weeks to completely kill weeds. Drive also requires the use of an MSO surfactant for best results. We would welcome the opportunity to troubleshoot the application to help get you the results you need. Please contact us at your earliest convenience!

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Displaying 151 to 180 (of 434 reviews)