Grubs Away Insecticide

4.5 out of 5 stars 6 Reviews | 17 Q&A

Grubs Away Insecticide

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4.5 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.5

6 Reviews | 17 Q&A

Product Overview

Grubs Away is an excellent product for keeping grubs and other insects away and will help you to maintain a beautiful and healthy lawn. If you don't keep grubs and insects away, your lawn can have serious issues, turning your lawn an unsightly and brown sight. Grubs Away will safely keep your lawn and ornamentals looking beautiful by ridding them of harmful pests such as grubs, mole crickets, billbugs, European crane fly, weevil, chinchbug and more.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Imidacloprid, 1-{(6-chloro-3-pyridinyl)methyl)-N-nitro-2-Imidazolidinimine - 0.5%
Target pests Grubs, Billbugs, European Crane Fly, Weevil, Mole Crickets, Chinch Bugs
For use in Turf and Ornamental
Application * See label for complete application instructions
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on label
Formulation Professional Product
Shelf Life 2 years
Coverage Area 20,000 sq. ft.
Shipping Weight 31.02 lbs
Manufacturer Southern Ag (Mfg. Number: 391306)
UPC 051538391306
EPA Registration 83100-14-829




GRUBS AWAY can be used for the control of the following listed soil inhabiting pests of turfgrass: Northern & Southern masked chafers, cyclocephala borealis, C. immaculata, and/or C.lurida; Asiatic garden beetle, maladera castanea; European chafer, Rhizotrogus majalis; Green June beetle, Cotinis nitida; May or June beetles, phyllophaga spp.; Black turfgrass ataenius, ataenius spretulus; aphodius spp; European Crane Fly Tipula paludosa; and Mole crickets, Scapteriscus spp. GRUBS AWAY can also be used for the suppression of cutworms and chinchbugs in turfgrass areas. Use GRUBS AWAY as directed in sites such as home lawns, business and office complexes, shopping complexes, multi-family residential complexes, golf courses, airports, cemeteries, parks, playgrounds, and athletic fields.

The active ingredient in GRUBS AWAY has sufficient residual activity so that applications can be made preceding the egg laying activity of the target pests. High levels of control can be achieved when applications are made preceding or during the egg laying period. The need for an application can be based on historical monitoring of the site, previous records or experiences, current season adult trapping or other methods. Optimum control will be achieved when applications are made prior to egg hatch of the target pest, followed by sufficient irrigation or rainfall to move the active ingredient through the thatch. Do not make applications when turfgrass areas are waterlogged or the soil is saturated with water. Adaquate distribution of the active ingredient cannot be achieved when turfgrass areas are waterlogged or the soil is saturaded with water. Adaquate distribution of the active ingredient cannot be achieved when these conditions exist. The treated turf must be in such a condition that the rainfall or irrigation will penetrate vertically in the soil profile.

Restrictions: Do not use GRUBS AWAY on commercial sod farms. Do not apply more than 80 lb (0.4 lb of active ingredient) per acre per year.


Apply GRUBS AWAY as a broadcast application on ornamentals in commercial and residential landscapes. GRUBS AWAY is systemic product and will be translocated upward within the plant system. Optimum control will be achieved when applications are followed by sufficient mechanical incorporation, irrigation or rainfall to move the active ingredient into the soil. Make applications prior to anticipated pest infestation to achieve optimum levels of control. Note: GRUBS AWAY can be used on plants intended for aesthetic purposes or climatic modification and being grown in interior plantscapes, ornamental gardens or parks, or on golf courses or lawns and grounds.

Restrictions: Do not use on commercial greenhouses, nurseries, on sod farms or on sod farms or on grass grown for seed. Do not apply more than 80 lb (0.4 lb of active ingredient) per acre per year.


Apply GRUBS AWAY uniformly over the area being treated with normally used granular application equipment. Both drop-type and rotary-type spreaders may be used to apply GRUBS AWAY. Do not use of spreaders which would apply the material in concentrated bands. Calibrate application equipment prior to use according to the manufacturer's directions. Check frequently to be sure equipment is working properly and distributing granules uniformly and accurately.

Be sure to read APPLICATION EQUIPMENT and SPREADER SETTINGS sections of the GRUBS AWAY label.

For suppression of chinchbugs, broadcast apply prior to the hatching of the first instar nymphs.

For control of mole crickets make application prior to or during the peak egg hatch period. GRUBS AWAY is not effective against mole crickets if adult or large nymphs are present and actively tunneling. For large nymphs or actively tunneling mole crickets a remedial insecticide must be used. Consult your local State Agricultural Experiment Station, or State Extension Turf Specialists for more specific information regarding timing of application.

Follow with irrigation or rainfall within 24 hours after application to move the active ingredient through the thatch. Do not mow turf or lawn area until after irrigation or rainfall has occurred so that uniformity of application.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Grubs Away

    By Art on 03/13/2014

    The most effective grub and insect control on the market today. At recommended rates Grubs Away is the most effective and cost efficient product I have used for many years

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    32 of 34 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Once and Done

    By Bob on 04/20/2018

    I put this down in Mid May here in SW Florida. I save a little just to spot treat if I see anything starting to happen at the end of the year. Great Insecticide

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    12 of 13 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Grubs Away

    By Jeff on 03/20/2020

    I have a severe armadillo problem in my yard. I've tried trapping them successfully but there are so many around that once you catch and dispose of one, another one or more step in the next night. Only solution is to cut off their food supply (so they will go to my neighbors yard's). As grubs are the meal of choice, this product seems to be very effective. It does take a little time to take effect (2 weeks?) but then seems to last several months.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Gruba Away

    By Sasssy on 06/19/2020

    I have nothing but grass. So far I haven't noticed any new brown patches. Working good.

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    6 of 6 people found this review helpful

  • 2 of 5 Stars

    Don't know

    By Youraway on 09/13/2024

    Doesn't seem to have accomplished anything. Applied as directed and havnot noticed any improvements.

    Expert ResponseExpert response:
    We apologize results were not as expected. Grubs Away Insecticide is best applied before insects are active as it can take a few weeks to be completely absorbed by the roots. If applied when insects are already active it can have limited results as it has to be ingested by the insects feeding on the treated areas. We recommend contacting your local cooperative extension office to ask about insecticide timing for the pests in your region to be sure you apply at the optimum time. These offices are an invaluable resource when dealing with pests and most have a master gardener and an entomologist on staff to answer pest insect questions.

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Questions & Answers

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Is Grubs Away safe to use in areas where pets (dogs) play?

My dogs lay in the grass as well as eat the grass. I need to make sure your product is absolutely safe and will not harm my pets.

Grubs Away is safe to use where pets play. Keep in mind you are watering in the treated area into the thatch layer of soil. Pets are safe to re enter the area after it has dried.

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Is the Grubs Away Insecticide NOT effective certain months of the year?

Grubs Away Insecticide is most effective when grass is actively growing so that it is absorbed through the roots.  When grass is dormant it would not absorb and translocate the product throughout.

Depending on your location and the pest your are trying to treat for, application of Grubs Away can be anytime between mid May and mid August.  We recommend contacting your local cooperative extension office to ask about insecticide timing for the pests in your region. These offices are an invaluable resource when dealing with pests and most have a master gardener and an entomologist on staff to answer pest insect questions.

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23 of 23 people found this answer helpful

Why is Grubs Away Insecticide better than Bayer Season Long Grub Control?

We do not like to say that products are better than others. The Grubs Away Insecticide is a professional grade product and does contain a higher percentage of the active ingredient than the Bayer Season Long Grub Control. Each bag of the Grubs Away Insecticide will treat 20,000 square feet as well.


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Will Grubs Away Insecticide harm earthworms and other beneficial insects in the soil?

Grubs Away Insecticide is not labeled to control earthworms nor other beneficial insects.  That being said if any were to ingest roots of treated plants/grass they could be killed.

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Can Grubs Away Insecticide be applied on an area in my potato garden about 2 months before I plant?

We do not recommend applying Grubs Away Insecticide to an edible garden prior to or after harvest. Milky Spore can be applied to edible gardens and safely last a long time for controlling grubs. Please let us know if you need anything else.

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Grubs Away Insecticide 4.5 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.5 (6 Reviews / 17 Q&A)

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