Monument 75WG Herbicide will kill Kentucky Bluegrass and Tall Fescue grass. If you know what weeds you need to treat, then we are happy to assist you with finding an appropriate product. You may reach our Customer Service at 866-581-7378 M-F 9a-5p EST.
Monument 75WG Herbicide is labeled for Poa Annua control, however, it will harm Tall Fescue. Because Poa Annua and Fescue are so closely related, there are few products that will kill the Poa Annua without also harming the Fescue. The only one we are currently aware of is called Prograss and it is very expensive. Your other options would be to either spot-treat with a Roundup-type product and then reseed with the Fescue in those areas, or you can use a pre-emergent like Prodiamine 65 WDG in the fall to prevent the poa from growing in the first place.
Monument 75WG Herbicide can be used to control poa annual plants (post-emergent) in listed turfgrasses. This product is not a pre-emergent. You can use Prodiamine or Dithiopyr as a pre-emerget for poa annua in listed areas.
Yes, Monument 75WG Herbicide is labeled for khakiweed.
Monument 75WG Herbicide packets should begin to dissolve within 1 minute and with agitation should completely dissolve within a few minutes.
It would not be recommended to apply Monument 75WG Herbicide until the lawn has fully greened to prevent injury.
Monument can be applied if it is just dew on the grass. You want the product to contact the leave surfaces well and not run off. If grass is heavily wet from a previous rain, we recommend waiting until it is drier to apply.
While we do not carry a specific product labeled for poa in Bermuda that is offered in a hose end device, our most popular product that is safe for Bermuda lawns and will eradicate actively growing poa annua is Monument 75WG. It is applied at the rate of one pack (0.5g) per 2 gallons of water per 1,000 sq ft.
It is recommend to do a small tank mix test prior to applying these products together. As long as the Monument 75WG Herbicide and Weed B Gone mix in the tank without clumping or separating, yes, they can be applied together.
Monument 75WG Herbicide does give instructions for spot treatment on the product label as an option for application other than broadcasting: Dissolve 0.0176 oz. (0.5 gram) of Monument 75WG per 2 gallons of water add 20 mL (2/3 oz.) of a nonionic surfactant and spray mixture at a rate of 2 gallons per 1000 square feet*
Monument 75WG Herbicide is labeled for listed established turf species only. Severe injury will occur on species not listed on the label. Avoid applicatios to vinca or pachysandra.
You would need to wait to apply Monument 75 WG Herbicide to newly seeded, sodded, or sprigged turfgrass. Delay applications for at least 4 weeks after sprigging, seed emergence, or sodding per product label.
Monument 75WG Herbicide is only meant to be used in the tolerable turfgrasses listed on the product label, which includes zoysia. It cannot be used on desirable plants/ornamentals such as Sunshine mimosa as it could harm them.
Monument 75WG Herbicide is labeled for suppression of Virginia Buttonweed (seedings).
The Monument 75WG Herbicide is available in a larger box of 5 x 5 gram packs after the smaller packs were discontinued.
We don't see any reason why you couldn't mix Monument 75WG Herbicide with 3 Way Max Turf together. Be sure to calibrate products properly, and if you are mixing two products that have not previously been verified to work together, it is best to do a small jar test for compatability first. Also be sure both products are safe for the type of desirable turfgrass you are treating.
Monument 75WG Herbicide is an option to use as a post-emergent for clover, crabgrass suppression, and poa annua. Prodiamine or Dimension could also be used as a pre-emergents for crabgrass and the poa but clover is best treated with a post-emergent.