Monument 75WDG is labeled for kill ryegrass. It is NOT labeled for use on Kentucky Bluegrass. This product is strictly labeled for bermudagrass, zoysiagrass and buffalograss on golf courses, sod farms, sport fields, residential properties (except in California) including home lawns, and other non-residential turf areas such as airports, cemeteries, commercial buildings, and similar sites. It may be applied to St. Augustine when grown for production of sod only.
Monument 75WG Herbicide could harm rose bushes, so it would be recommended to spot treat the nutsedge only very carefully and avoid applications inside the drip line of the rose bushes.
It would not be recommended to apply Monument 75WG Herbicide until the lawn has fully greened to prevent injury.
Monument 75WG is labeled to suppress crabgrass only but is normally not the recommendation. Suppression means significant activity, but not always at a level considered acceptable for commercial weed control. Repeat in 4 to 6 weeks. QuinKill Max would be a better product to use and is labeled for several other grassy and broadleaf weeds. Please refer to the product label for complete instructions and to confirm it can be used on your lawn type.
The manufacturer Syngenta does not provide us with that information however we suspect it is because the qualifications for residential lawn use is harder to obtain by the EPA.
Syngenta can be reached at 336-632-6000 for more information.
Monument 75WG Herbicide is not labeld for control of foxtail. A non selective such as glyphosate or Roundup Quick Pro can be used to spot treat actively growing foxtail and then reseed/resod the area after 2 weeks.
Foxtail is something that would germinate in the spring and summer and die out in the winter so using a pre-emergent like Pendulum 2G in the fall and early spring when soil temperatures are around 55 degrees will help prevent foxtail and many other weeds from germinating.
The general rate for spot treatment applications of Monument 75WG Herbicide using a backpack sprayer is as follows: "Dissolve 0.0176 oz. (0.5 gram) of Monument 75WG per 2 gallons of water add 20 mL (2/3 oz.) of a nonionic surfactant and spray mixture at a rate of 2 gallons per 1000 square feet".
Please refer to the product label for complete application instructions, and use as directed.
Monument 75WG Herbicide may supress or damage Fescue. It is safe to apply on established Bermuda lawns as listed.
Monument 75WG Herbicide is labeled to be applied to Zoysia, but may harm Centipede. We would not recommend applying to Centipede. Dismiss would be a better option for Dollarweed control in Zoysia ans Centipede grasses.
Monument 75WG is not labeled for kikuyugrass. Drive XLR8 would be the product to use and is safe for buffalograss when used as directed on the product label. Please refer to the product label for complete listing of controlled weeds.
You would need to wait to apply Monument 75 WG Herbicide to newly seeded, sodded, or sprigged turfgrass. Delay applications for at least 4 weeks after sprigging, seed emergence, or sodding per product label.
After Monument 75WG Herbicide has been mixed with water, the solution must be used or discarded within 24 hours.
Monument 75WG Herbicide is not labeled to treat kikuyugrass. Please provide your desired turf species for an alternate recommendation. Thank you!