Talstar P Professional Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 861 to 880 (of 1268 questions)
  • Asked by Marion from Richmond, Va
    What is the best time of in spring to spray Talstar P for bugs?

    Talstar P should be used when it is dry outside and there is no rain expected within a 24 hour period. 

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  • Asked by Thomas from North Judson, In
    Can Talstar be mixed and used in 45 gallon boom sprayer mounted in a UTV?
    Ticks are a problem in my area, and I would like better control around the house and on walking trails.

    Yes, Talstar P (Talstar One) can be applied in a boom sprayer for applications.

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  • Asked by Ammodud2311 from Yukon, Ok
    How to properly spray 3100sf
    I am going to spray Talstar P on 3100sf my backyard. My question is I need to mix the 1oz per gallon of water do I need to spray all of that with my sprayer or can I use a Waterhouse attachment to spray. Using a water hose sprayer attachement I feel like it will be to diluted with mixing the 1oz with water prior to spraying with the water hose attachment. I hope this makes sense thank you

    You should caliberate your sprayer to disperse 1 fl oz per gallon of water per 1,000 sq ft. 

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  • Asked by Justin from Rockford, Mi
    What is the shelf life of Talstar P?

    The shelf life for Talstar P is between 3-5 years from the date of purchase if stored at room temperature. 



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  • Asked by Kim from Houma La
    Does Talstar get rid of blight on Indian Hawthorne?

    Talstar P is for insects only and will not control diseases such as blight. Something like the Monterey Complete Disease Control or Clearys Spectro 90 WDG would be good to use instead.

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  • Asked by Tara
    If i have left over Talstar P mixture how long is it good for? And do i do room by room or all at once?

    Once mixed, Talstar P (Talstar One) should be used within 24 hours.  1 ounce in 1 gallon will cover approx 1k square feet.  It's recommeneded to treat the interior and exterior all at the same time so that you can have uniform coverage.  Please be sure to read the product label for information on the approriate places to treat both inside and outside.

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  • Asked by Lisa from Cape Coral
    Can I spray Talstar around wall sockets?

    You can spray Taslstar behind appliances, along baseboards, but not around the wall sockets. We suggest you use an insecticide dust such as Cimexa Dust. Cimexa Dust will last up to 10 years when applied to undisturbed areas like wall voids. 

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  • Asked by Elizabeth from San Antonio
    Is Talstar the best product for getting rid of mosquitoes and is monthly application recommended?

    Yes, Talstar P is our most popular product for killing mosquitoes.  It is recommended to apply every 30 days outdoors.  

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  • Asked by Nicholas from Clark
    Is Talstar Pro safe to spray on outdoor children's toys and furniture?

    No, Talstar P (Talstar One) is not labeled to be applied to furniture and it should not apply it to children's toys. If you would like to tell us more about what pest(s) you are targeting, then we would be happy to recommend an alternative treatment.

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  • Asked by Branden from Sheboygan, Wi
    Will Talstar P help with mosquitoes?

    Yes.  Talstar P is one of our most popular product for mosquito control.  

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  • Asked by Laura from Hysham
    Will Talstar P keep flies off my house?
    One side of our house becomes absolutely covered in flies every day during the summer, leaving fly specks all over the siding.

    Talstar P can be used to help control cluster flies indoors and outdoors. If the cluster flies have already made their way indoors, they will be harder to control because they usually hide in a wall void or other inaccessible area and are only visible when the house warms up. If the cluster flies are in an attic or drop ceiling or other dark area, a fly light would do a great job controlling the population. Using small fly lights such as the Fly Web in the house would also help to catch the flies. Spray Talstar P directly on baseboards, window frames, door frames, and places where utilities (pipes, wires, cables) enter in to the building and any other crack, crevice or gap where insects can enter.

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  • Asked by Sharlene from South Boston , Va
    Can Talstar and Suspend Polyzone be mixed together?

    There is no valid reason to mix Suspend Polyzone and Talstar P together. Talstar P is a synthetic pyrethroid and Suspend Polyzone already contains a synthetic pyrethroid, so there would be nothing to gain by mixing these products together. Making a pesticide too strong can actually backfire. Areas that are treated with this overly concentrated spray will be repellent and insects will simply avoid the treated areas, prolonging the infestation.


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  • Asked by Ann from Overland Park, Ks.
    Can I use Talstar One even after I have used Spectricide Triazicide liquid?

    We recommend to wait at least two weeks to apply Talstar P (Talstar One) where Spectracide may have been applied. 

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  • Asked by Cynthia from Shrewsbury, Ma
    Can I apply Talstar after Conserve treatment for gypsy moth caterpillars?
    My landscaper applied "Conserve" to kill gypsy moth caterpillars but my tree expert told me that Talstar is better, can Talstar be applied after Conserve? I know that they work by different mechanisms.

    Conserve SC is a great product for treating caterpillars since it is a targeted application and is very gentle on the plants and on other non-target insects and animals. If you are going to do a follow up treatment using Talstar, then I would wait at least 1-2 weeks so that you are not wasting the Conserve application since you don’t need both products at the same time. 

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  • Asked by Karen from Brownsville, Md
    Can Talstar P be used on potato plants?

    Talstar P (Talstar One) is not labeled to be used on any edibles, crops or vegetable gardens. Monterey Garden Insect Spray is labeled to control a variety of insects on potatoes and is applied at 2 oz. per gallon of water per 1,000 sq. ft. Please refer to the product label for instuctions, days to harvest and application maximums per year. 

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  • Asked by John from Ladson, Sc
    Does Talstar have a soil residual for termite prevention, or is it just for active treatment?

    Talstar P (Talstar One) can be applied topically monthly for crawling and flying insects and every 5 years for termite applications.

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  • Asked by Kara from Port Richey, Fl
    I have a huge midge infestation in my yard. What and how would you recommend treating them?

    Talstar P (Talstar One) is labeled for a wide variety of small flying insects including gnats, midges and other small biting flies and should help reduce the amount of midges on your property. Be sure to spray the areas where you have noticed the midges landing or resting as Talstar will only eliminate those insects that land on treated areas.  Please refer to the product label for mixing and application instructions

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  • Asked by Carole from Fairfield Township Ohio
    I have clover mites on my front porch where the cement porch meets the brick wall. Will Talstar kill them?

    Talstar P is effective for treating clover mites. You will need to mix one oz. to one gallon of water per 1,000 sq. ft.

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  • Asked by Rick from Mn
    Can Talstar be sprayed near a pond?

    Talstar is not labeled to be used around ponds, lakes or other water sources. Applications should be kept at least 25 feet away from the pond.  Depending on what you are treating for, you could also use something like EcoVia EC instead, which is labeled for many of the same pests and will not harm aquatic life.  

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  • Asked by Keith from Lehigh Acres, Fl
    Can Talstar P be used to treat mosquitoes, wasps, and ants on properties with a private well?

    Yes, Talstar P (Talstar One) is safe to use on properties with private well systems and will control mosquitoes, wasps, ants, etc.

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Displaying 861 to 880 (of 1268 questions)