By Norman on 05/05/2010
Talstar P for stink bugs
By Jim on 09/28/2010
By Ted on 09/27/2011
I've used Talstar for years. I had trouble getting rid of roaches with the bombs. After getting this it took care of the roaches, palmetto bugs, spiders and other insects that are so common on the coast. This is the only insecticide now as I am very please with the results.
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11 of 11 people found this review helpful
Excellent Product
By Randy on 04/24/2013
I have used Talstar P for 3 years now in combination with Archer IGR and both products do a great job in controlling the fleas, ticks and other bugs we have around our home. Talstar is my quick kill go-to, with the Archer being the long term solution to most all our buggy issues in this part of Florida. I have recommended both products to friends and they have also ordered from Do My Own Pest Control. Your customer service is also excellent and your pricing is in line.
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The Bomb-Diggity!
By G. on 05/27/2013
Where do I begin...My old house had many issues with moisture, leaking windows, leaking pipes, and a leaking roof. So it was pretty much a paradise for Springtails, although I didn't see them much, other than in the windows. Page forward, we move to a brand new community, & house. We had been here almost two years, and so far so good, I hadn't seen any of these horrid little pest. But then I go out to our garage to break down some boxes, that had been there unopened for two years...And guess what, unbeknownst to me the boxes had Springtails, & I tracked them into my new house! Oh the horror... It took me a lot of research on the net to find out about Springtails, which led me to "DoMyOwnPestControl." One thing I can tell anyone is, don't waste your money buying over the counter bug sprays for Springtails, you need something with pyrethrin in it. Talstar P is what the professionals use, and it works! Heads-up...With an Springtail infestation it might take 1 to 3 sprayings, but you will eventually see results. The folks also at DMOPC are very helpful at assisting you for advise. One Customer Service Rep. keep insisting, that the problem with the Springtails was coming from somewhere, and that I needed to find out where. I keep telling the Customer Service Rep. that we had brought them from my old house, and this was a new house, so we had no moisture problems...Well low & behold! These little buggers were right at my front door in the mulch, in a Moss like plant that the builder put in. We removed these plants, and also used Bifen to rid us of anymore infestations...Yay!!! TY, so much DoMyOwnPestControl!
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Talstar really is a star!
By Ca on 06/29/2010
Very happy with this purchase. Using Talstar for the summer bugs that have been munching and destroying my St. Augustine grass in N. Florida. The lawn looks pretty good now after applying Talstar 3 weeks ago. Even the neighbors are noticing. Very happy with the shipping and service. Will use again and recommend to my friends. Thank you!
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10 of 11 people found this review helpful
Talstar P - liquid
By Joseph on 08/04/2010
This stuff is great! It seems to be very close to a do-everything type of pesticide. I had a bad black wasp problem. Don't know what kind of wasp they were except that they, very cowardly, came from behind me while I was walking by, and stung me on the ankle. Really hurt, though normally I do not pay much attention to a simple wasp sting. Ended up I was on an anti-biotic drug for 7 days, as it became infected. I bought Talstar. Didn't think it would work on something as large as a wasp since I thought it was mainly for ants. Well. it works! Although it does not instantly knock them down and dead like a dedicated Wasp spray, it stopped them in their tracks and took only about 1 minute to kill them. I got the whole hive, about 35 wasps. Don't like to kill creatures of nature, but I will certainly do so for anything that attacks me.
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10 of 11 people found this review helpful
Talstar P is the only choice for bugs
By Cheung on 09/01/2010
Talstar P is the best for eliminating all kinds of bugs, and especially chinch bugs on the lawn. Before I found Talstar P my St Augustine lawn was infested with bugs. Now it is lush and green and not even an ant on my lawn. My lawn is the better than the lawns in my neighborhood that hire professionals. Talstar is so economical and saves me a ton of money from paying the professionals. The product is AWESOME. I have recommended Talstar and Domyownpestcontrol and they are all using it. Thank you.
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talstar & stink bug
By Jocelyne on 09/22/2010
By Bertha on 09/12/2012
Great product
By John on 01/09/2014
Not happy
By Teona on 03/17/2018
Not killing the roaches very disappointed in this product
Expert response:
We are sorry that you are not seeing the results you expected from Talstar P. We do recommend using a roach bait gel and an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR), too, in additional to good sanitation and exclusion for the most complete roach control. We see that you already purchased Advion Roach Bait Gel, and that product will transfer to roaches hiding in places where sprays cannot get. We have more great tips in our Roach Treatment Guide here:
Talstar will kill roaches that you spray directly or that come into contact with treated area, but if the population is already established, most of those roaches are hiding and reproducing quickly in wall voids and other areas where the spray just won't reach them on its own.
We are also happy to assist you with your situation by phone at 866-581-7378 M-F 9a-5p EST.
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10 of 10 people found this review helpful
Excellent Product
By Kenneth on 07/31/2010
Talstar P (Talstar One) The Chinch Bug's Worst Enemy
By David on 10/10/2010
All summer long I have done battle with chinch bugs in my lawn. Frequent trips to Home Depot to purchase the latest consumer products from Ortho and Bayer proved to be a waste of time. I had a terrible infestation and the consumer-grade permethrin, imidacloprid, and B-Cyfluthrin had no effect - I could still spot the bugs. But when I tried the Talstar One at a rate of 1 oz per 10 gallons in my hose end sprayer (1 oz per 1,000 sq ft) the bugs were eradicated. I didn't even have to make a second application. The easy-measure bottle simplified mixing and the product works wonders.
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9 of 9 people found this review helpful
Talstar P
By Mark on 11/07/2011
One year my neighbor's yard had fleas, they got in my yard, then on my dog and then in my home. Exterminators were outrageous with their prices and how many treatments it would take to get rid of the pests. Got on the internet and found this stuff, and I was looking for the strongest money could buy. Well this is it, and it's the best in my opinion. First treatment they were gone. One more for the eggs and larvae and no more fleas. It works on palmetto bugs cause they would run in the house when we had the door open, not anymore. Sprayed the outside of the house and have not needed an exterminator since. Works on ants in the yard and doesn't kill grass, works on bees, wasps, hornets. I have used this stuff on every unwanted pest and they are no more around my house. Love it, I tell everyone about this site and show them exactly what and where it is. They usually order on the spot and they are having the same amazing results too. In my opinion it's the best.
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9 of 9 people found this review helpful
By Heather on 06/17/2014
By Jerry.l on 07/01/2014
Talstar is an amazing product. I've tried other bug killers, and it was a waste of my time and money. Talstar KILLS and then continue KILLING. Normally.. I would not write a review on any products that I believed to be effective, but I could never get rid of insects until I use Talstar. Now I DO NOT see any bugs crawling around my home. As far as I am concerned, Talstar get 2 thumbs up.products
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Mosquito Killer
By Brett on 07/25/2014
This stuff is amazing, 3 hours after I sprayed my yard which only took 4 ounces, there were no mosquito's at all. It has been 10 days so far even after 2 inches of rain in one day! there are still no mosquito's. We have been telling all of our friends and they have been very impressed with it also. Much better than Tempo which is more expensive and washes off with only a little rain.I live in Minnesota 8 miles from the Canadian border and if it work way up here it will work anywhere. the land of 10,000 lakes means lots and lots of mosquito's!!!!!
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not really
By Joe on 06/17/2016
Got this to fight off mosquitoes in Florida. I would say i didn't notice any diffidence. I don't live next to water so you can't say i lost the battle before it started. For what i care most reviews are fake as this product.
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9 of 12 people found this review helpful
Talstar P (Talstar One) - 3/4 Gallon
By Jim on 05/14/2010
I have been using this product for the last 2 1/2 years and have been pleased beyond exception. The only bugs that enter the house are when someone opens a door and one may fly in the open door. Product lasts for extended time.
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8 of 8 people found this review helpful
Review on Talstar P
By Charles on 06/07/2010
We were told about Talstar P by some friends in Alabama after discussing our ant problems with them. We were not able find it in any of our local stores so we purchased it online. After ordering it, we received it within 3 days! Following the instructions we immediately started spraying outside our home. Ants were everywhere! We had a big problem with them. At once we could see results outside as well as inside our home. Talstar P was very easy to measure and mix. There was no odor with the use of it and we highly recommend it to anyone with ant problems. We even plan to take Talstar with us camping this fall. Thank you for a Great Product!!!
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8 of 8 people found this review helpful
Amazing Results from Talstar One!
By G.l. on 08/08/2010
We live in WI, one of the self-proclaimed "mosquito capitols" of the mid-west (in rainy seasons especially). This summer has been such a season. Last winter seemed to last for 9 months. So we were more than ready to hit the great outdoors when Spring finally arrived. Unfortunately, so were the mosquitoes and ticks. Some camping friends had told us about Talstar One, and in fact, given us some to try. We mixed it in a sprayer and applied per the directions. WOW, amazing results almost instantly. Our friends had remarked that one application had lasted in their back yard all summer last year. We found it necessary to re-apply a couple of times this season due to unusually frequent and heavy rains. We highly recommend this product, especially for use around children and pets. Once it has dried it is perfectly safe.
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8 of 8 people found this review helpful
Millipede destroyer
By Robert on 08/11/2010
Bought this product primarily to destroy Florida millipedes. Appears to be effective in reducing the population but still manage to have some around using a solution of 1 oz per gallon of water . Certainly has been more effective than other insecticides. I rate the product highly. 4 stars.
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8 of 8 people found this review helpful
Talstar 1
By Greg on 09/17/2010
Stink bug problem solved...
By John on 03/15/2011
The Pittsburgh, PA area has been heavily infested with Stink Bugs! I tried everything you could possibly purchase that was available in the garden center of the various home improvement centers, with absolutely NO success. After some extensive research on these resilient critters I came across Talstar P. I received it in three days, mixed the prescribed amount for a one gallon sprayer and applied it all around. The next day I had to go around with a vacuum sweeper to suck up all the dead ones, literally over 1,000. This product works great. I did see an occasional one here and there, but not like before. I have re-applied Talstar P again after 1 month just to maintain a barrier. Since the second application all I see are dead ones on the window sills and outside the windows. Talstar P doesn't smell after applying and is safe around pets and children once it dries. Excellent customer service and products.
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By Melissa on 03/16/2011
We were absolutely infested with millipedes! After spending a fortune on over the counter insecticides from our local hardware and discount stores and nothing worked, I found and decided to give it a try!! Our lawn, patio, basement were crawling with millipedes, they were even climbing up the foundation and siding outside the house!! A few days after using Talstar P, our millipede problem was gone!! I am going to apply it again this spring, and I hope it works as well on fleas as it did millipedes!! Thank you Domyownpestcontrol!! Excellent customer service, fast shipping, fair price!!
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Spiders no more!
By Pamela on 04/10/2011
I have a paralyzing fear of spiders, and when we could no longer afford the expensive pest control service the spiders returned and I was finding them in the house regularly. Been using Talstar P for one year and I have yet to see a spider in our home or any bug for that matter. We also live in an area of black widows and have seen them in the tack room and barn so this product is a godsent. The yearly ladybug infestation has stopped as well. The lasting power of this product is a definite plus and holds up in the heat and rain. Talstar P will always be in our inventory.
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Not worth my money
By Danny on 03/21/2012
By Kathy on 08/13/2012
After trying everything, and spending hundreds of dollars, I call this stuff a miracle. My problem started outside and I was bringing them into the house. One spraying outside and I could sit on the porch again. I used one ounce in a gallon sprayer. I sprayed the yard, driveway, sidewalk, foundation and porches. 20 minutes later and I could not find a flea. I used an empty container for homes that has a fine mist to do the inside - also one ounce. Vaccum first, spray baseboards, furniture, hardwood, area rugs. My home is now rid of fleas. I could actually go to the car and not roll up my pants this morning. I plan on repeating the yard and house next Sunday to kill anything that will hatch. This is the best flea spray you can buy and is totally AWESOME. Thank you DO MY OWN PEST CONTROL.
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The best when kids and animals are present
By Kerry on 09/28/2012
I have used Talstar Pro (ONE) for 6 years plus and this stuff will kill your roach, spider, ant, stinkbug, silverfish and at least 65 more types of bugs at a 100% kill rate. Use one ounce to one gallon of water and mix. This stuff has totally wiped out a Cockroach problem I had after the new renovation had been done on my house. Outside the house I use a hose-end sprayer to apply around the foundation and sidewalks etc. This application technique will get the poisen deep under the cracks in concrete sidewalks and under wood decks etc. Set the mixture mode on the sprayer so it mixes it at one ounce poison to one gallon water. Inside the house this poison is safe around kids and animals AS LONG AS IT IS USED AS DIRECTED with the instructions that come with the poison container.
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