You may make up to 4 applications a year with Taurus SC if you make a 0.03% finished dilution (0.4 oz per gallon of water). The application will still be effective as long as it's applied 24 hours before rain.
For a complete barrier treatment, we would recommend to drill in front of each garage door and apply Taurus SC Termiticide. Drill 12in apart.
We would recommend to do a trench treament around the outside perimeter of your home using Taurus SC. You can treat between the studs in the walls and it would be better to do it with somethiing like Termidor Foam.
When doing a pre slab treatment you will need to use 1 gallon of mixed solution of Taurus SC per 10 square feet. You will need to know your entire square footage you need to treat and divide by 10 to get how many gallons of solution you will need total for that application. You will use 0.8 oz per gallon of water.
Taurus SC Termiticide cannot be used on around edible vegetation. He is a list of our products offered for treatment on Edibles.
We recommended that you keep pets out of the area while applying Taurus SC. Once the product has dried completely, it is safe for pets to return to the area.
Phantom is a non-repellent that can be used indoors and Taurus SC should be applied to the exterior. Both will offer a non-repellent residual. You can retreat with Phantom liquid in 90 days from initial application and 30 days outdoors or with the Phantom aerosol. The Taurus SC will be applied 1 ft up and 1 ft out directly to the exterior of the structure twice a year. We do also carry the Maxforce Carpenter Ant Bait Gel and the Advance Carpenter Ant Bait Granules for control of this ant species.
Yes, if cutting your mixture in half, you need to also cut the amount of product in half. For 1 half gallon water, mix .4oz Taurus SC Termiticide.
Taurus SC Termiticide should not harm lizards. It could kill the insects they are feeding on, thus making them go somewhere else for food. Taurus is a great product for ant control but it can only be used on or within one foot of a structure. You cannot use Taurus out in the lawn as this type of treatment is prohibited by the Taurus product label. We do have a wide variety of ant bait granules and insecticides that you can use out in the lawn to control ants. You can find these products by going to our Ant Control Page.
Taurus SC Termiticide should be applied when rainfall is not expected within 24 hours. It should be re-applied if it has rained on the same day of application.
Taurus SC Termiticide is NOT labeled for indoor general pest control. The Taurus SC Termiticide product label only allows indoor applications to wall voids (behind sheet rock), unfinished attics, unfinished basements, and crawlspaces for active termite infestations. Taurus SC Termiticide could be harmful if used indoors and would be in violation of the product label.
You can use the companion product Phantom Insecticide for ants indoors.
Taurus SC has a residual when used on the surface around the foundation of the home of roughly 30-60 days outdoors depending on weather and elements that affect it over time. Due to the reach a product like Taurus has through an insect population with its transfer technology, you may notice the insect population not build back up as quickly and take longer than the 60 days to start seeing new signs of pests even though the residual of the product has been broken down by then. Keep in mind that Taurus SC can be applied 1 foot out from the foundation and 1 foot up using a low-pressure hand or backpack sprayer, per the product label.
Taurus SC Termiticide is a non-repellent insecticide. This means that ants and other insects cannot tell that it is there and they will readily walk over treated areas. It also has a delayed reaction time and a transfer effect which allows the ants time to get back to the colony and spread it around before they succumb to the effects of the product. Bifen IT on the other hand is synthetic pyrethroid which many sensitive insects such as ants can detect. Ants may avoid the areas treated with it and those ants that do cross over treated areas are the only ones that will be killed by the product. Bifen IT does not have a transfer effect so it will not be transferred back to the colony. While the Taurus SC will not actually be deactivated by Bifen IT it will be much less effective if it is over-sprayed with Bifen IT. You can spray Bifen IT on your trees, bushes and lawn for mosquito control as long as you are not actually overlapping the areas where Taurus SC was applied.
White Footed Ant Control
Carpenter Ant Control
The Taurus SC Termiticide will have some effect on termites that come in contact with where you sprayed, however they would have to surface to come in contact with the insecticide since you only sprayed it on the surface, and subterranean termites stay protected under ground or in mud tunnels. Spraying also only has a 3-6 month residual. If you want a true barrier of protection around your home or structure with the 10 years of protection, then yes trenching is nessesary for the Taurus SC Termiticide to bind with the soil and stay there for 10 years.
In the area where the well is located, you cannot use the trenching method, only the backfill method is allowed. The backfill method instructs you to trench and place the soil that was removed onto a tarp, pour 1 gallon of diluted solution per 1 cubic ft of soil, mix thoroughly, return soil to trench. The complete instructions are listed on the Taurus product label under the heading "Treatment of structure with wells or cisterns"