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Termidor FOAM contains Fipronil, the same active ingredient as Termidor SC, in a RTU (ready-to-use) foam that is labeled for termites and ants. Perfect for spot treatments, Termidor FOAM expands rapidly creating a dry foam that can be applied in the voids, harborages, galleries, and nests where insects are found. The foam generated has an expansion ratio of 30:1. In about 5 seconds 1 oz. of product becomes approximately 1 quart of foam.
Termidor FOAM can be applied in and around residential and commercial structures; structural and non-structural elements that are prone to insect attack (such as fences, utility poles, landscape timbers, bridges, or under slabs); or insect harborages. This product can be applied from the interior and/or the exterior according to label directions. To access some harborages the drilling of holes may be required.
Termidor FOAM helps to fulifill the Localized Interior (LI) component of a Exterior Perimeter/Localized Interior (EP/LI) treatment (also known as PerimeterPLUS).
Also see: How to do a termite treatment
Product Documents
Active Ingredient | Fipronil 0.005% |
Target pests |
Termites* (including subterranean, drywood, dampwood and arboreal), Wood Destroying Insects (Powder Post Beetles, Old House Borer, Wharf Borer), Ants (including: foraging Carpenter; excluding: Fire, Harvester, Leaf cutter and Pharaoh) * Not a substitute for mechanical alteration, soil or foundation treatment. |
For use in |
FOR USE IN AND AROUND STRUCTURES AND LIMITED OUTDOOR SPOT TREATMENTS: Apartments, Homes, Food/Feed Handling Establishments (non-food/feed areas), Restaurants, Hospitals and Nursing Homes (non-patient Areas), Hotels, Motels, Hobby Greenhouses, Interiorscapes, Office Buildings, Schools**, Transportation Equipment (Buses, Cargo Trucks, Trailers, Trains), Warehouses and Other Commercial and Industrial Buildings. ** Do not apply to classrooms when in use. |
Application | Use only with Whitmire Micro-Gen or BASF approved actuator. Remove the outer cap and snap the actuator into place. Remove the finger pad cover. After using, replace the finger pad cover. When the can is empty, remove the actuator from the can and use it on another can. |
Pet safe | Yes, if used as directed on Label |
Formulation | Professional Product |
ME, PR NY (Restricted To Licensed Applicators Only) |
Shipping Weight | 1.50 lbs |
Manufacturer | BASF (Mfg. Number: 59012846) |
UPC | 804338128463 |
EPA Registration | 499-563 |
Termidor product features:
Advanced undetectable technology
Termidor is made from a revolutionary new nonrepellent or "undetectable" chemical technology treatment. That means termites cannot see, smell, taste, or avoid Termidor. Instead they contact, ingest, and share it with their nestmates. This is in sharp contrast to older liquid termite controls, which rely on repellent barriers that termites can find breaks in or avoid completely.
The "Transfer Effect"
Termites who contact Termidor transfer it to every other termite they in turn contact, in a unique process called the "Transfer Effect." And because Termidor is engineered to be slow-acting, termites have ample time to spread it throughout their entire termite population.
Better than bait... without the wait
Baits can take years to control a termite colony. Termidor begins working immediately to wipe out termites inside and immediately surrounding your home. Termidor is the most effective and fastest at completely eliminating termite populations--up to six-times faster than bait.
By Roscoe on 03/02/2013
I had never heard of termidor foam and had reservations as to it's value. Folks, it works. We made a small hole in the driwall between each wall stud and pierced a hole in the insulation so that I could spray the foam into the airspace. Then inserted the tube through the hole and gave it a squirt. The foam expanded and the termites that I could see began dying. After a couple days, there was no more signs of infestation.
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185 of 189 people found this review helpful
By Relaxtoday on 03/10/2013
I found their pencil hole entry and drilled it bigger. Then I put on gloves and put the foam in. It was easy and no more coffee grounds! A week later I found another area nearby with drywood termites. I did the same thing. It has been a few weeks and no more coffee grounds anywhere. This works!
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123 of 125 people found this review helpful
Amazing product!!!
By Diane on 06/18/2014
I had a localized carpenter ant nest in a fully enclosed wall. The nest activity spanned a 4x5 foot area. After freaking out and receiving ridiculous exterminator quotes, I did some online research. I learned that the active ingredient in Termidor Foam, fipronil, is a safe and extremely effective chemical that works by direct and indirect contact. Even though the walls had fiberglass insulation, I was able to drill near the studs, and insert this foam into the voids. I only used one can for the the job. I saw results within 12 hours, and the problem was fully resolved within three days. I am thrilled with the effectiveness of this product, and am pretty excited that I was able to save $450+ by tacking this project on my own. Thank you for offering pro-quality pest control products to homeowners at very reasonable prices.
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109 of 112 people found this review helpful
By Carolina on 03/14/2013
I ordered the termidor FOAM and termidos SC. I was extremely satisfied with the service, website, and product. I emailed them to do a price match and they responded so fast and did the price change they also have a really fast delivery. the whole website is so helpful and full of information.
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63 of 65 people found this review helpful
termidor exterminator!
By Sue on 03/28/2013
This product works great . I used it just as spring was approching the end of February to spot treat troubled infested areas from the past YEARS and in two weeks the termites began to appear . Only this time they were approximately less than 1/10 the amount flying out as there were last year I was extremely pleased!!!! You have no idea what a relief that was now I will treat the barrier around my home. And hope it works the rest of the way to destroy those annoying chewers thanks!
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61 of 63 people found this review helpful
I have an infestation in custom kitchen cabinets that are only 2 years old. There are no signs of entry from outside the house. I believe they were in the cabinets when they arrived from the manufacturer. I contacted my insurance company and although not listed under exclusions, insects are not covered. My boyfriend is a custom home builder who can take the face boards off those that are still intact. I was away from my home for months returning to find thousands of dollars of destruction and I am at a loss on what to do. I read your reviews on the Termidor foam and saw one review saying it is not for use in kitchen cabinets. Please let me know if there are any options you can recommend?
The Termidor Foam is definitely an amazing product and does well to transfer. That being said, you would have to drill holes into the cabinets to inject it into the galleries the termites have created for it to expand through their tunnels and reach them. Honestly, we have many customers in the Bahamas that use our products (they have them shipped through freight forwarders) and its very common for you to have a variety of termites in your area that could have flown in from the outside and infested the cabinets. The only downside to the cabinets themselves is if they weren't pretreated before being assembled/stained from the people you purchased them from. If there were termites in them when they came from the manufacturer, the likely hood of them being in there this whole time with no signs of damage or kick out holes and dust until 2 years out is extremely slim. Cabinets aren't that thick compared to beams and supports of the structures of homes which can cause finding termite damage and activity signs to be less noticeable for longer. Normally activity would show up not long after you received the cabinets if they came infested. Now, if it's powder post beetles they could have been in the raw wood without you or even the cabinet company knowing they were there. Powder post beetle larvae can stay dormant up to 20 years sometimes in the wood and then emerge. If that is what you have, your best mode of action would be to have your home tented/fumigated to kill them all at once. Termidor Foam won't work for you in that case and the products we have that would work would require you sand your custom cabinets down to raw wood and then apply them. This is a tough situation for you but fumigation is almost your only option.
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136 of 170 people found this answer helpful
What is the advantage of the foam vs the liquid termidor? Wouldn't spraying liquid termidor into a wall void at the top of the wall be essentially the same? If not better? Liquid termidor has a 6 month residual. Foam supposedly is good for only a few weeks. If you insert a spray nozzle into your wall and pull the trigger, all that liquid will saturate the wall and drip down covering the studs, insulation, drywall, whatever.... In fact I would think that liquid would be able to penetrate cracks and crevices better than any expanding foam.... So the drywall gets wet, big deal it will dry ... What say you?
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105 of 113 people found this answer helpful
Interior wall, no insulation, 3” studs spaced 16” apart. So 1 oz. makes approximately 1 quart of foam. 1 quart of foam would fill how many cubic inches? In other words, how many quarts of foam would it take to treat a 12”H x 16”W x 3”D wall void? Do I need to fill an entire wall void from floor to ceiling if I'm just seeing carpenter ant activity at the bottom of the wall? Thank you for your input.
If there is no insulation in the wall then there's not many reasons for them to be in that wall void as the insulation would provide an area to nest. They may travel behind the wall voids but the main nest will not be behind it. They will most likely be using the studs as a food source and traveling up the sides of the studs. You will not foam the entire void, rather you will drill a hole close to the top of the ceiling/stud on either side of the stud. Once the holes are in place on each side, inject the foam into each hole for 5-10 seconds, allowing the foam to expand but slide down the sides of the studs where they would travel. If you are seeing them along the baseboard areas, drill holes every 8-10 inches apart across the area between studs, about an inch or 2 above the baseboard. Use the same injection rate for each hole and let dry. The Termidor Foam has some residual for about a month after it dissipates so if any are missed in the initial application the rest of the colony should be affected.
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103 of 112 people found this answer helpful
What is the difference between Termidor Foam & Premise Foam? Which one is more effective to kill termites behind the wall? I have termites all over my house behind the wall, and want the effective foam to kill the little them.
Termidor Foam and Premise Foam have two different active ingredients. Because of its active ingredient, imidacloprid, Premise Foam works differently from other termiticides which repel, rather than kill, termites. Termites tunneling or foraging in the spaces treated with Premise Foam will go about their usual activities without being repelled. The exposed termites then remain unaffected for a few days, before sudden death occurs. In the meantime, the exposed termites are able to spread the Premise chemical to unexposed termites by physical contact when they feed or groom the other termites, resulting in a domino death effect which wipes out more of the colony. Termites who contact Termidor Foam transfer it to every other termite they in turn contact, in a unique process called the "Transfer Effect." And because Termidor is engineered to be slow-acting, termites have ample time to spread it throughout their entire termite population.
They are both effective products that will work to combat termites if you are treating the area directly.
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92 of 125 people found this answer helpful
I have the base boards removed and see the remnants of the subterianian termites. I plan on drilling holes into the drywall before I replace the base boards and have had a professional company treat the perimiter of my home with termidor. They explained to me that treating the perimiter of the house will also kill the ones that have already entered my home. I really don't belive that and haven't found that info anywhere on the internet.
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89 of 92 people found this answer helpful
Termidor FOAM
Rating: 4.7 (153 Reviews / 103 Q&A)