Yellow jacket baits can help keep yellow jackets away from your backyard, outdoor eating space, and more. Baits lure yellow jackets in with a food source that is either in a trap or laced with insecticide, where the trap or insecticide will kill the yellow jackets in the area. Explore our selection of yellow jacket bait for quick relief.
Yellow jackets leave their nests to search for food, and can travel quite far, venturing into your backyard or picnic to join in on the feast. They can become very annoying and aggressive when they are in search of food, especially nearing the end of the season when their natural food sources begin to dwindle. They can congregate near dumpsters, garbage cans, fallen fruit over-ripening on the ground, and any food source they may find. Well-placed bait systems or baited traps will draw the foraging yellow jackets to the traps away from populated or busy areas.
Yellow jacket baits are fairly easy to use, but there are some extra steps you should take to make sure your baiting efforts work as well as possible. Keep these things in mind when baiting for yellow jackets.
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