Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide is mixed at 1 1/2 oz. per gallon of water to control most annual weeds or 2 1/2 oz. per gallon of water to control hard to kill perennial weeds.
Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide should be applied when your pets are not in the area until the surfaces have completely dried.
After an application of Eraser, the product is rainfast after 6 hours.
Eraser 41% Weed Killer Herbicide is used at the rate of 1 1/3 oz per gallon of water to control most annual weeds, or 2 2/3 oz to control tougher or hard to kill perennial weeds. Please refer to product label for complete use instructions.
Yes, pets can go back into an area treated with Eraser after the product has dried completely.
Eraser Max contains glyphosate 43.68% and imazapyr 0.78%. Eraser A/P contains glyphosate-isopropylammonium 41%. Eraser Max is ideal for controlling grass, broadleaf weeds, brush and vines. It is fast acting and able to kill weeds up to one year from just one application. Eraser A/P is a weed and grass killer concentrate that is great for non-selective broad-spectrum control of annual and perennial weeds, woody brush and trees, but it will only kill/control plants that were sprayed directly and will not prevent new plants from growing.