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A selective post-emergent herbicide for the control of nutsedge and other weeds in turf-grass and landscaped areas.

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A professional granular insecticide in lawns for most ants (including fire ants), chinch bugs, fleas, ticks, mole crickets, crane flies and other lawn insects.

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A professional granular insecticide that protects the lawn, gardens and landscaped areas for 2 to 3 months against many different insects.

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A spray dye indicator that is used to tint clear insecticides and herbicides with a blue coloring to allow the areas sprayed to be seen.

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A water soluble non-ionic surfactant that makes water wetter and increases absorption, translocation and sticking of pesticides and herbicides.

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A redesigned Chapin sprayer that allows easier application of fertilizers, herbicides, cleaning solutions, and other pesticides.

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A professional fungicide that is a systemic strobilurin fungicide in a granular formulation, and specifically for controlling diseases up to
28-days for turf-grass.

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A two way blend surfactant that penetrates the waxy cuticles of plant and spreads the spray solution evenly for better plant uptake.

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A professional 2 gallon poly XP sprayer for extended performance and years of continued service.

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A liquid limestone that quickly changes the soils pH level as needed in agricultural or turf-grass applications.

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Features slow-release Nitrogen to provide a long-lasting result, along with high Iron content and other trace elements to support the greening of lawns.

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A professional selective post-emergence herbicide that controls broad-leaf weeds on commercial and golf course cool & warm-season turf.

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A selective post-emergent herbicide concentrate that controls many broadleaf weeds and other noxious plants susceptible to 2,4-D.

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A professional insecticide that controls grubs for commercial and residential lawns and golf courses, including tees and greens.

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Fire Ant bait with IGR and an added insecticide that kills fire ants and prevents the queen from laying fertile eggs.

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A granular systemic fungicide for diseases on lawns, annual and perennial flowers, plants, ground cover and evergreen shrubs and trees.

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A professional selective post-emergent herbicide that controls wide spectrum of broad-leaf weeds for sensitive southern grass and cool-season grasses.

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Professional heavy-duty backpack sprayer for large spray jobs.

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A selective post-emergent herbicide for cool and warm-season grasses on residential lawns.

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An excellent source of Potassium, which aids plants in forming healthy stems, roots and tuber growth.

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A plant supplement that corrects and prevents yellowing of foliage caused by iron deficiency of flowers, shrubs, trees, vegetables, and lawns.