Simazine 4L Herbicide

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Product Overview

Simazine 4L is a preemergence herbicide that provides effective broad-spectrum control of a wide range of annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds in a variety of crops. This formulation contains 41.9% Simazine which is effective in controlling troublesome weeds such as barnyardgrass, chickweed, carpetweed, crabgrass, lambsquarters, downy brome, fall panicum, filaree, fireweed, foxtail species, goosegrass, henbit, ragweed, wild oats, witchgrass, and more. Generally, it is applied before emergence of weeds or following weed growth removal. Rainfall or irrigation is required to help penetrate it into the root zone. This liquid formulation may tank-mixed with other herbicides for enhanced efficacy and performance. Available in a 2.5-gallon jug.


Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Simazine - 41.9%
Target pests Barnyardgrass, Carpetweed, Chickweed, Lambsquarters, Crabgrass species, Downy brome, Fall panicum, Fiddleneck, Filaree, Fireweed, Florida pusley, Foxtail species, Goosegrass, Henbit, Junglerice, Ragweed, Wild oats, Signalgrass, Spanish needles, Witchgrass
For use in Avocados, Blueberries, Caneberries, Citrus, Field and sweet corn, Filberts (hazelnuts), Grapes, Macadamia nuts, Nurseries, Christmas trees, Olives, Pecans, Strawberries, Fruit trees, Turfgrass (sod, fairways, lawns), Walnuts.
Application For fruit and nut crops, apply the spray to the orchard or vineyard floor, avoiding contact with fruit, foliage, or stems. Make application only to orchards or groves where trees have been established one year or more.
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on label.
Formulation Liquid.
NY, VT (Restricted To Licensed Applicators Only)
Special Features Can be tank mixed with other herbicides in certain labeled crops for enhanced weed control.
Shipping Weight 26.11 lbs
Manufacturer Winfield United CP
EPA Registration 9779-296




Apply the spray to the orchard or vineyard floor, avoiding contact with fruit, foliage, or stems. Make application only to orchards or groves where trees have been established one year or more. Make only one application per year, except as noted otherwise. Recommended rates are based on broadcast treatment. For band applications around trees in fruit and nut plantings, reduce the broadcast rate of SIMAZINE 4L and water per acre in proportion to the areas actually sprayed.

APPLES, PEARS, SOUR CHERRIES: Apply 2-4 qts. per acre. Apply once per calendar year. Do not apply more than 4 qts./acre per calendar year. Pre-harvest interval for apples: 150 days.

AVOCADOS (Apply only in Florida): Apply 2-4 qts. per acre after final preparation in grove. Do not apply to sandy soil. Apply only once per calendar year. Do not apply more than 4 qts./acre per calendar year.

BLUEBERRIES AND CANEBERRIES (Blackberries, boysenberries, loganberries, raspberries): Apply 2-4 qts. per acre in the spring or apply a split application of 2 qts. per acre in the spring plus 2 qts. per acre in the fall. Apply in a minimum of 40 gals. of water per acre. On plantings less than 6 months old, use % of the above rate. To control quackgrass, apply 4 qts, per acre in the fall or split the application applying 2 qts. per acre, in the fall and 2 qts, per acre in the spring, when quackgrass is actively growing. Do not apply when fruit is present or illegal residues may result.

FILBERTS (Oregon and Washington only): Apply 2-4 qts. per acre in the fall or apply a split application of 2 qts. per acre in the fall plus 2 qts. per acre in the spring. If trees are planted on a hillside, excessive soil erosion may result from the elimination of weeds. Do not use on sandy soil. Do not apply when huts are on the ground during the harvest period or illegal residues may result.

GRAPES: Apply 2-4.B qts. per acre any time between harvest and early spring. Do not use in vineyards established less than three years, or crop injury may result. Apply only once per calendar year. Do not apply more than 4 qts./acre per calendar year.


Arizona (Lemons and Oranges only): Apply a split application of 1.6 qts. per acre in the spring plus 1.6 qts. per acre in the fall. Do not apply more than 1.6 qts. per acre per application. Do not apply more than 3.2 qts./acre per calendar year.

Florida (Grapefruit and oranges only): Apply 4 qts. SIMAZINE 4L to weed-free soil during the spring and/or fall to control weeds expected to emerge during these peri.ods. Apply prior to emergence of weeds or if weeds' have emerged, apply in tank mixture with a contact herbicide. Use caution to keep the treatment off the foliage, fruit or trunk of citrus trees. For control of difficult species, such as balsamapple vine and spanishneedles, and partial control of honeyvine milkweed, apply B qts. of SIMAZINE 4L as a single application in the spring as a 50?nd application to the grove acre: Apply in the spring growing season between January and April. Do not make a fall SIMAZINE 4L application if this treatment was used in the.spring. When emerged weeds are present, apply SIMAZINE 4L in a tank mix with a labeled contact herbicide. Follow all directions, precautions, limitations, etc. on the tank mix products. Do not apply more than 4 qts./acre per calendar year.

Texas (Grapefruit and Oranges only): Apply 4 qts. per acre. Do not apply more than twice per calendar year. Do not exceed 4 qts. per acre per calendar year.

Use Precautions (All Areas): 1) Do not use in nurseries. 2) Do not apply to bedded grapefruit, lemons, ororanges (except for FL grapefruit and oranges). 3) To avoid possible injury, do not apply to trees ,under stress from freeze damage for one year after the freeze.

MACADAMIA NUTS: Apply 2-4 qts. in 50 gals. of water per acre before harvest and just prior to weed emergence. Apply only once per calendar year. Do not apply more than 4 qts./acre per calendar year. Do not apply when nuts are on the ground during the harvest period, as illegal residues may result.

OLIVES: Apply 2-4 qts. per acre following grove preparation in the fall. Repeat annually in midwinter. Apply only once per calendar year. Do not apply more than 4 qts./acre per calendar year.

PEACHES: Do not apply more than 4 qts. per treated acre per calendar year. Apply in late fall to early spring prior to weed emergence. Do not apply more than once per calendar year.

PLUMS, SWEET CHERRIES: Apply 2-4 qts. per acre. Apply in late fall to early spring prior to weed emergence. Apply only once per calendar year. Do not apply more than 4 qts. per treated acre per calendar year. For plums and sweet cherries, use only in Missouri and states east of the Mississippi River except Tennessee.

PECANS: Apply 2 - 4 qts.lAcre before weeds emerge in the spring. Apply only once per calendar year. Do not apply more than 4 qts. per calendar year. Do not use west of the Pecos River in TX or in AZ, CA or NM. Do not make applications to transplanted trees that have been established less than two years in the grove. Do not apply when nuts are on the ground for illegal residues can result. Do not allow animals to graze treated areas.

STRAWBERRIES (Apply only in Oregon and Washington): For control of chickweed, groundsel, mustard, and shepherdspurse, apply broadcast 1 qt. per acre. In fields where overhead irrigation is used to activate this product, apply after harvest at time of bed renovation. In fields where overhead irrigation is not available, apply during early October through November. To avoid crop injury, make only 1 application per growing season. Do not apply within 4 months after transplanting.

WALNUTS: Apply 2-4 qts. per acre. Do not apply to sandy soil. Leveling and furrowing operations after application will lessen effectiveness of weed control. Do not apply when nuts are on the ground or illegal residues may result.


SIMAZINE 4L plus Gramoxone Extra tank mix combinations are effective in apple, peach and pear orchards for killing existing vegetation and for residual control of the annual broadleaf and grass weeds listed under General Information. This combination is also effective for top kill and suppression of perennial weeds. Apply the rates shown in the following table as a tank mix in 50-200 gals. of water per acre to the orchard floor avoiding contact with fruit, foliage or stems. Apply when the weeds and grasses are succulent and the new growth is from 1-6 inches tall. Since Simazine enters weeds mainly through their roots, rainfall or irrigation is needed to move it into the root zone.



Barnyardgrass, Carpetweed, Common chickweed, Common lambsquarters, Crabgrass species, Downy brome, Fall panicum, Fiddleneck, Filaree, Fireweed, Florida pusley, Foxtail species, Goosegrass, Henbit, Junglerice, Nightshade species, Ragweed species, Wild oats, Signalgrass, Spanish needles, Witchgrass

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    I would buy from here again for sure.

    By Micah on 04/24/2020

    Everything was great, fast and clean delivery. I even shared your site with the local coops that couldn't get me 1 container!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Awesome Service!

    By Mel on 04/17/2020

    I ordered some Simazine to spray my food plots. My 1st transaction went great. I got what I ordered, arrived when told and I have NO complaints. I will use DoMyOwn, again. I recommend them.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Thanks for your Tech Help!

    By Jimmy on 11/06/2020

    Got exactly what I was looking for from your Technical help. Got my lawn winterizer herbicide put out in time to be Rained in. Really like your products you offer home owners rather than the Big Box Stores. Be a former farmer I read the active ingredients you offer vs them!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Simazine 4l

    By Dan on 06/05/2020

    Great price quick delivery Will be sure to use again

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Simizine 4L Herbicide

    By Phyllis on 04/10/2022

    Awesome results and responds. But, get rid of PayPal, Thanks Phyllis

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Questions & Answers

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Will this product kill poa annua and is it safe for use on centipede grass?

Simazine 4L Herbicide is labeled to control poa annua (annual bluegrass) and is safe to use on centipede grass.

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Can I use Simazine 4L Herbicide on fescue?

Simazine 4L Herbicide is not labeled for use on Fescue turfgrass as the product is only labeled for use in warm-season grasses. A great product for use in Fescue turf for pre-emergent control is Prodiamine 65 WDG

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Can Simazine 4L Herbicide be used on buffalo grass?

How much do you per acre.


No, Sizamine 4L Herbicide is not labelled for Buffalo Grass. It is only labelled for Bermudagrass, Centipede, Saint Augustine and Zoysia grass. 

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Can Simazine 4L Herbicide be used on Bermuda golf greens?

According to the manufacturer and the Simazine 4L Herbicide product label, this product should NOT be applied to golf greens. 

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Will Simazine 4L Herbicide kill poa annua and not kill Bermuda grass?

Simazine 4L Herbicide is labeled to control poa annua (annual bluegrass) and is safe to use on Bermuda grass; however, this product is a pre-emergent only. Simazine does not kill exising poa or other weeds. You could use Negate 37WG or Image Kills Nutsedge for post-emergent control of poa annua in Bermudagrass.

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Simazine 4L Herbicide 5 out of 5 stars Rating: 4.8 (6 Reviews / 33 Q&A)

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