Supplies for Turf & Lawns

It can take work to make your yard beautiful, and sometimes that requires the use of specialty products. The products in this category cover specific needs your turf and lawn may have, like plant growth regulation, increasing the richness of the turf, and adding specific nutrients to the soil. 

25-41 of 41
4 out of 5 stars (2)
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A natural soil amendment that boosts the effect of fertilizers on lawns and provides magnesium and calcium.
5 out of 5 stars (1)
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Beautifies landscape and provides temperature protection, weed control, moisture retention and soil preservation.
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A professional high definition turf colorant for turf-grass on golf courses.
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An organic Kelp fertilizer that offers enhanced root development, more robust growth and increased resistance to environmental stress and minimized frost damage.
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A professional fertilizer that is used to prevent and correct any micro-nutrient deficiencies on turf and crops.
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A soil surfactant that can withstand any stress, wet and dry conditions and provides better moisture access and gas exchange.
2 out of 5 stars (1)
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An effective lawn pigment that is used in drought areas to provide extended green appearance.
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Iron based product designed to treat and prevent iron deficiency in all crops.
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A professional blend of fulvic acid that helps in early season root development, and improves a fertilizers performance and faster seedling growth as a fertilizer additive.
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An effective and convenient binding agent that exceeds the requirements for non alphastic tacking emulsions.
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A professional natural and organic fertilizer that helps in expanding the soil surface and allows greater access to water and micro-nutrients and contains mycorrhizae fungi.
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A finely screened soil conditioner with earthworm castings and beneficial microbes for root development.
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An organic-based fertilizer that saves water, solves soil problems, and provides additional iron.
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A granulated iron micro-nutrient for lawns, ornamental, garden landscaping and trees.
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A plant nutrient supplement with manure extract, humic acids, iron, and surfactants to maximize the nutrients of plants.
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A patented blend of ready-to-use humectants and surfactants designed to accelerate root development throughout the entire growing season.
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An effective spray pattern indicator for turf areas.

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We sell professional do it yourself pest control (diy), exterminator and extermination insecticide, pesticide, chemical and bug killer treatment products to spray, eliminate and exterminate pests.

Many of our products are not available in stores such as Home Depot, Walmart or Lowes.