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Spike 80DF is a non-selective herbicide that is intended for long term total vegetation control in both rangeland and non-cropland. Applied through broadcast spray, banded application, and spot treatment, the product can control a wide variety of Annual grasses, annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and broadleaf woody plants.
The product's dry flowable formulation makes for easier handling and mixing than similar products that are formulated as wettable powders. Also, the product is best for pre-emergent control, but it can be used for early post-emergent control as well.
Perennial warm-season grasses are generally tolerant to the product, but may exhibit injury during the season after spraying the herbicide. Perennial cool-season grass is not tolerant though, unless the product is applied at rates less than .5 lb per acre.
If applied as a banded treatment, the product will control woody plants and herbaceous vegetation in non-cropland sites. Herbaceaous vegetation can be controlled for more than one growing season per treatment, but the effects are limited to the treated band. Apply during the dormant season and keep the band as narrow as possible to mnimize herbicidal effects on perennial grasses and lessen effects on other herbaceous plants.
Treatments become more effective after enough rainfall has occured to move the active ingredient, tebuthiuron, into the roots of the plants. The plants will show leaf damage some time before they die, with woody pllants going through several cycles of defoliation before they die. For best plant control, do not distrub intact plants by wood cutting, chaining or burning, or resprouting and the survival of the plants is more likely to occur if these behaviours occur before two years pass after application. Control is dependent upon root systems taking in the product. Rainfall enhances control, and 1 to 1 1/2 inches of rainfall is required to activate the product and move it to the weed's roots.
Thorough mixing and continuous agitation are important to ensure uniform application. Fill the sprayer half-full of water. Agitate while mixing and spraying the product, as it must be kept in suspension at all times. Add the desired amount of product and allow it to mix with the water thoroughly before adding any other additional pesticide and the rest of the water.
Product Documents
Active Ingredient | Tebuthiuron - 80% |
Target pests | Annual grasses, annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and broadleaf woody plants, like alfalfa, pigweed, and black hickory. See the product label for the entire list of controlled plants and weeds. |
For use in | Outdoor residential and commercial rangeland and non-cropland areas. |
Application | Broadcast spray - The maximum use rate and frequency of application is up to 5 lb of product per acre applied only once per year; however, no more than 7.5 lb of product per acre may be applied in any 3 year period. And apply a spray volume of 5 or more gallons of water per acre of area, applying before or during the active growth of the target weeds. Banded application - The maximum use rate and frequency of application is 1.25 to 2.5 lb of product per acre once every three years for vulnerable sites where soils are sandy and depth to water table is shallow. For all other areas, the maximum use rate and frequency of application is up to 5 lb of product per acre once every three years, and no more than two treatments exceeding 7.5 lb of product per acre per 6 year period. Bands should be spaces 4 to 10 feet apart, with the bands being kept as narrow as possible to minimize unintended injury. Band spacing should be selected based on the size of the plants in the area to be treated and the amount of injury of surrounding plants that can be tolerated. If control of young and seedling woody plants are desired, bands should be placed close together. Spot treatments - May be applied at rates up to 7.5 lb of product per acre when needed. |
Pet safe | Yes, if followed by directions on label. |
Shipping Weight | 4.20 lbs |
Manufacturer | Corteva Agriscience |
EPA Registration | 62719- 107 |
Do not use the product in any area where desirable species are in the vicinity of the plants to be controlled. A small amount of the product coming in contact with the roots of desirable trees or other woody species may cause severe injury or death. The roots of such plants may extend far beyond their drip lines. Do not apply directly to water, areas where surface water is present or to inter-tidal areas below the mean high water mark. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment wastewater or rinsate. Do not apply when winds are gusty or under any conditions which might cause drift or product movement, like where water erosion may cause soil to move, or wind could pick up and blow loose soil, etc. Do not apply the product to interior ditch banks. Do not empty residues from application equipment on areas where they may come in contact with the roots of desirable vegetation or the water source for such vegetation. If animals are grazing in the target area, do not apply more than 5 pounds per acre of the product and do not apply more than once per year. If hay for animal consumption is being grown in the target area, the grass may be cut one year after application.
Ground Water Advisory: This product is known to leach through soil into ground water under certain conditions as a result of registered (rangeland and non-crop uses. Use of this product in areas where soils have rapid to very rapid permeability, particularly where the water table is shallow, may result in ground water contamination.
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