Transline Specialty Herbicide

Transline Specialty Herbicide

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Product Overview

Transline Specialty Herbicide is designed to provide post-emergence control of a wide range of broadleaf weeds and woody brushes in Conservation Reserve Program sites, utility, industrial sites, natural areas, pastures, pipelines, railroads, rangeland, roadsides, and forest sites. It contains Clopyralid as its active ingredient which delivers effective weed control against hawkweed, horseweed, knapweed, kudzu, dock, locust, marshelder, mesquite, mimosa, nightshade, ragweed, redbud, smartweed, sowthistle, starthistle, sunflower, thistle, vetch, wisteria, and more. This specialty herbicide features superior selectivity which allows it to be used over the top of hardwood species and conifers, as well as to both cool-season and warm-season right-of-way grasses like brome, fescue, and native turf species. It also provides an excellent residual activity for longer-lasting control. It has a non-volatile formula to help reduce off-target concerns. Available in a half-gallon jug.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Clopyralid - 40.9%
Target pests Dock, Hawkweed, Horseweed, Knapweed, Kudzu, Lettuce, Locust, Marshelder, Mesquite, Mimosa, Nightshade, Ragweed, Redbud, Smartweed, Sowthistle, Starthistle, Sunflower, Thistle, Vetch, Wisteria.
For use in Conservation Reserve Program sites, Utility, Industrial Sites, Natural areas, Pastures, Pipelines, Railroads, Rangeland, Roadsides, Forest Sites.
Application Apply spot applications at an equivalent broadcast rate of 1/2 to 2/3 pint per acre. Direct spray onto weeds and avoid spraying trees where possible.
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on label.
Formulation Liquid.
Dimensions 10.2 x 5 x 3.2 in.
Special Features Nonvolatile formulation, excellent selectivity and residual control.
Shipping Weight 4.50 lbs
Manufacturer Corteva Agriscience
EPA Registration 62719-259



Precautions and Restrictions:

Use directions in Dow AgroSciences supplemental labeling may supersede directions or limitations in this labeling.

  • Do not contaminate water intended for irrigation or domestic purposes. To avoid injury to crops or other desirable plants, do not treat or allow spray drift to fall onto banks or bottoms of irrigation ditches or other channels that carry water that may be used for irrigation purposes.
  • Do not use in greenhouses.
  • In California, the maximum application rate is 2/3 pint per acre per annual growing season.
  • In Florida, Transline can only be used for the control of kudzu in forests, utility rights-of-way, roadsides, fence lines, and other non-crop areas in the following counties: Baker, Bay, Bradford, Calhoun, Columbia, Escambia, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Hamilton, Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Suwannee, Taylor, Union, Wakulla, Walton, and Washington.
  • Chemigation: Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
  • Removal of Woody Plants Following Treatment: To maximize woody plant control, it is recommended that treated plants not be removed by mechanical means or by fire for one year after application
  • Some desirable broadleaf plants (forbs) are susceptible to Transline. Do not spray pastures containing desirable forbs, especially legumes, unless injury can be tolerated. However, the stand and growth of established perennial grasses is usually improved after treatment, especially if rainfall is adequate for active plant growth and grazing is deferred.
  • Roses and Leguminous trees such as locusts, redbud, mimosa, and caragana adjacent to or in a treated area can occasionally be affected by root uptake of Transline
  • Established grasses are tolerant to Transline, but newly seeded grasses may be injured until well established as indicated by tillering, development of a secondary root system, and vigorous growth.
  • Rotation to Broadleaf Crops: Do not plant broadleaf crops in treated areas until an adequately sensitive bioassay with a sensitive crop, such as soybean or other legume, shows that the level of clopyralid present in the soil will not adversely affect that broadleaf crop.
  • Grazing/Haying: There are no restrictions on grazing or hay harvest following application of Transline at labeled rates except for exported grass hay from California, Nevada, Washington and Oregon (see instructions in the Range and Permanent Grass Pasture section)
  • Do not transfer livestock from treated grazing areas, or from feeding of treated hay, to sensitive broadleaf crop areas without first allowing 3 days of grazing on an untreated pasture (or feeding of untreated hay). If livestock are transferred within less than 3 days of grazing untreated pasture or eating untreated hay, urine and manure may contain enough clopyralid to cause injury to sensitive broadleaf plants.
  • Restrictions in Grass Clippings, Hay, or Manure Use:
    • Do not use grass, hay, or straw from areas treated within the previous 18 months in compost, mulch or mushroom spawn.
    • Do not use plant residues, including grass clippings, hay, or straw from treated areas, for composting or mulching, where susceptible plants may be grown the following season.
    • Do not spread manure from animals that have consumed clopyralid-treated forage or hay within the previous 3 days on land used for growing susceptible broadleaf crops, ornamentals, orchards, or other susceptible desirable plants.
    • To promote herbicidal decomposition, plant residues should be evenly incorporated or burned. Breakdown of clopyralid in crop residues or manure is more rapid under warm, moist soil conditions and may be enhanced by supplemental irrigation.
  • Field Bioassay Instructions: In fields previously treated with this product, plant short test rows of the intended rotational crop across the original direction of application in a manner to sample variability in field conditions such as soil texture, soil organic matter, soil pH, rainfall pattern, drainage, and any other variable that could affect the seed bed of the new crop. The field bioassay can be initiated between harvest of the treated crop and planting of the intended rotational crop. Observe the test crop for symptoms of herbicidal activity, such as poor stand (effect on seed germination), chlorosis (yellowing), epinasty, and necrosis (dead leaves or shoots), or stunting (reduced growth). If herbicidal symptoms do not occur, the test crop can be grown. If there is apparent herbicidal activity, do not plant the field to the intended rotational crop; plant a crop tolerant to clopyralid such as barley, canola (rapeseed), grasses, field corn, oats, sugar beets, or wheat.

Avoid Injury to Non-Target Plants:

This product can affect susceptible broadleaf plants directly through foliage and indirectly by root uptake from treated soil. Therefore, do not apply Transline directly to, or allow spray drift to come in contact with, vegetables, flowers, tomatoes, potatoes, beans, lentils, peas, alfalfa, sunflowers, soybeans, safflower, or other desirable broadleaf crops or ornamental plants. Establish small areas of new legume seedlings prior to seeding more extensive areas in order to determine if phytotoxic residues are present in the soil of previously treated areas at levels that could inhibit legume establishment. See Field Bioassay Instructions above. Unless otherwise specified on this label or supplemental labeling for Transline, do not apply this product to any broadleaf crop or ornamental planting or to areas where sensitive plants will be planted during the same growing season. (See Rotation to Broadleaf Crops.)

Ground Application: With ground equipment, minimize spray drift by keeping the spray boom as low as possible, by applying 10 gallons or more of spray per acre, by keeping the operating spray pressures at the manufacturer's minimum specified pressures for the specified nozzle type used (low pressure nozzles are available from spray equipment manufacturers), and by spraying when the wind velocity is low (follow state regulations). Avoid application under completely calm conditions which may be conducive to air inversion. In hand-gun applications, select the minimum pressure required to obtain adequate plant coverage without forming a mist. Do not apply with a mist blower.

Aerial Application: With aircraft, minimize drift by using straight stream nozzles directed straight back; by using a spray boom no longer than 3/4 of the rotor or wing length of the aircraft; by using drift control systems or drift control additives; and, by keeping spray pressures low enough to provide coarse spray droplets. Do not use a thickening agent with the Microfoil or Thru-Valve booms, or other systems that cannot accommodate thick sprays. Spray only when wind velocity is low (follow state regulations). Avoid calm conditions which may be conducive to air inversions. Do not apply with broadcast applications in less than 4 gallons per acre. Do not apply by aircraft when an air temperature inversion exists. Such a condition is characterized by little or no wind and lower air temperature near the ground than at higher levels. The use of a smoke device on the aircraft or continuous smoke column at or near the site of application will indicate air direction and velocity, and whether a temperature inversion is present, as indicated by horizontal layering of the smoke.

Mixing Directions:

Transline - Alone: To prepare a water dilution of Transline:

  1. Add 3/4 of the required spray volume to the spray tank and start agitation.
  2. Add the required amount of Transline.
  3. Add any surfactants, adjuvants or drift control agents according to manufacturer's label. When an adjuvant is to be used with this product, Dow AgroSciences recommends the use of a Chemical Producers and Distributors Association certified adjuvant.
  4. Add any spray thickening agent, if needed to control drift, according to the manufacturer's label.
  5. Agitate during final filling of the spray tank and maintain sufficient agitation during application to ensure uniformity of the spray mixture. Note: Allow time for thorough mixing of each spray ingredient before adding the next. If allowed to stand after mixing, agitate spray mixture before use.


Application Timing:

Apply to actively growing weeds. Extreme growing conditions, such as drought or near freezing temperatures, prior to, at, or following application may reduce weed control. Only weeds that have emerged at the time of application will be affected. Wet foliage at the time of application may decrease control. Applications of Transline are rainfast within 2 hours after application.

Application Rates:

Generally, application rates at the lower end of the rate range will be satisfactory for young, succulent growth of susceptible weed species. For less sensitive species, perennials, and under conditions where control is more difficult (plant stress conditions, such as drought or extreme temperatures, dense weed stands and/or larger weeds), the higher rates within the rate range will be needed.

Use of Adjuvants:

Addition of surfactants, crop oils, or other adjuvants may increase effectiveness of Transline. If an adjuvant is added to the spray solution, follow all manufacturer use guidelines. When an adjuvant is to be used with this product, Dow AgroSciences recommends the use of a Chemical Producers and Distributors Association certified adjuvant.

Spray Coverage:

Use sufficient spray volume to provide thorough coverage and a uniform spray pattern. Do not make broadcast applications in less than 4 gallons of total spray volume per acre. For best results and to minimize spray drift, apply in a spray volume of 10 gallons or more per acre. As vegetative canopy and weed density increase, increase spray volume to obtain equivalent weed control. Use only nozzle types and spray equipment designed for herbicide application. To reduce spray drift, follow precautions under Avoid Injury to Non-Target Plants.


Apply Transline to control unwanted trees and vines in the legume family such as mimosa, locust, redbud, or wisteria. Transline can be used either undiluted or diluted in a 1 to 1 ratio with water, as directed below. Note: No Worker Protection Standard worker entry restrictions or worker notification requirements apply when this product is injected directly into plants.

Tree Injector Method: Apply by injecting 1/2 milliliter of undiluted Transline or 1 milliliter of the diluted solution through the bark at intervals of 3 to 4 inches between centers of the injector wound. Completely surround the tree with injections at any convenient height.

Hack and Squirt Method: Make cuts with a hatchet or similar equipment at intervals of 3 to 4 inches between centers at a convenient height around the tree trunk. Spray 1/2 milliliter of undiluted Transline or 1 milliliter of the diluted solution into each cut.

Frill or Girdle Method: Make a single girdle through the bark completely around the tree at a convenient height. Wet the cut surface with undiluted or diluted solution.

Cut Stump Application: Spray or paint the cut surfaces of freshly cut stumps and stubs with a 50/50 mix of Transline and water. The cambium area next to the bark is the most vital area to wet. Apply Transline as soon as the tree or vine has been cut.

Broadleaf Weeds Controlled:

Artichoke, (Jerusalem), buckwheat (wild), buffalobur1, burdock (common), chamomile (false, scentless), chamomile (mayweed, dogfennel), clover (black medic, hop, red, white), cocklebur (common), coffeeweed, cornflower (bachelor button), dandelion, dock (curly), groundsel (common), hawksbeard (narrowleaf), hawkweed (orange, yellow), horseweed, jimsonweed, knapweed (diffuse, Russian1, spotted), ladysthumb1, lettuce (prickly), locoweed (white, lambert), marshelder, nightshade (eastern black, cutleaf, hairy), oxeye daisy, pineappleweed, ragweed (common, giant), salsify (meadow, goatsbeard), sicklepod, smartweed (green1, sorrel (red), sowthistle (annual, perennial1), starthistle (yellow), sunflower (common and wild), teasel (common), thistle (artichoke, bull, Canada (rosette to bud), musk (rosette to bud), Italian), vetch.

1These weeds may only be suppressed. Suppression is a visual reduction in weed competition (reduced population or vigor) as compared to untreated areas. The degree and duration of weed control will vary with weed size and density, application rate and coverage, and growing conditions before, during, and after treatment. For perennial weeds, such as Russian knapweed and perennial sowthistle, Transline will control the initial top growth and inhibit regrowth during the season of application (season-long control). At higher use rates shown on this label, Transline may cause a reduction in shoot regrowth in the season following application; however, plant response may be inconsistent due to inherent variability in shoot regrowth from perennial root systems.

Broadleaf Weeds Controlled (California Only):

Knapweed (diffuse, Russian1, spotted), starthistle (yellow), thistle (artichoke, Canada (rosette to bud), Italian, musk (rosette to bud),

1These weeds may only be suppressed. Suppression is a visual reduction in weed competition (reduced population or vigor) as compared to untreated areas. The degree and duration of weed control will vary with weed size and density, application rate and coverage, and growing conditions before, during, and after treatment.

Woody Plants and Vines Controlled:

Eastern redbud, kudzu, locust (spp), mimosa (silktree), Mesquite1, wisteria

1Not registered for use in CA.


Environmental Hazards:

Do not contaminate water when cleaning equipment or disposing of equipment washwaters. Do not contaminate water used for irrigation or domestic purposes. Do not apply directly to water, or to areas where surface water is present, or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Clopyralid is a chemical which can travel (seep or leach) through soil and under certain conditions contaminate groundwater which may be used for irrigation or drinking purposes. Users are advised not to apply clopyralid where soils have a rapid to very rapid permeability throughout the profile (such as loamy sand to sand) and the water table of an underlying aquifer is shallow, or to soils containing sinkholes over limestone bedrock, severely fractured surfaces, and substrates which would allow direct introduction into an aquifer. Your local agricultural agencies can provide further information on the type of soil in your area and the location of groundwater.

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