Getting rid of bed bugs can be a pain, but with the right products and treatment methods, you can do it yourself, saving the expense of hiring an exterminator. Our wide selection of professional grade bed bug treatment products, including bed bug control kits and bed bug monitors, will help you control an infestation in a home, hotel, or dormitory.
A professional insecticide with contact and residual kill of insects for commercial and residential indoor and outdoor areas including ornamental plants.
A professional aerosol insecticide with contact and residual kill of bed bugs, fleas, ticks, lice and dust mites for commercial and residential indoors.
A flea and bed bug aerosol that contains Dinotefuran which is a reduced risk insecticide with 30 day protection and a IGR with 7 months of control for eggs.
Mattress Safe's PillowSafe Protector is a zippered pillow encasement that protects from mold, stains, bacteria, dust mite allergen and bed bug infestations - Standard, Queen, and King Sizes
A professional insecticide with residual control of over 200 insects for commercial & residential indoor & outdoor applications including lawns and landscaping.
The ZappBug Heater is easy to transport and can be assembled by one person in under 10 minutes. Use the ZappBug Heater to save your checked and carry on luggage - up to 24" wide.
A professional insecticide concentrate featuring a proprietary polymer layer that protects the active ingredient from weather, irrigation and mechanical abrasion and will last up to 90 days outdoors.
A professional insecticide that provides contact and residual control of insects for commercial & residential indoor & outdoor areas including landscaping and turf-grass.
A professional slow-release insecticide that is micro-encapsulated which provides long-lasting protection for commercial and residential indoor and outdoor areas.
A professional aerosol insecticide with contact and residual kill of bed bugs, fleas, ticks, lice and dust mites for commercial and residential indoors.
A broad-spectrum combination of insect growth regulator and insecticide used to effectively control and kill adult insects and future generations of listed pests, especially ants and German cockroaches.
A professional insecticide that provides contact and residual control of insects for commercial & residential indoor & outdoor areas including landscaping and turf-grass.
An easy-to-use aerosol that is formulated with three active ingredients to provide three modes of action for quick knockdown and residual control of listed pests.
A professional contact kill insecticide aerosol with the active ingredient of Dinotefuran, the same as Alpine Dust that controls many crawling and flying insects.
A professional insecticide that provides contact and residual control of insects for commercial & residential indoor & outdoor areas including landscaping and turf-grass.
A professional insecticide aerosol with 2 active ingredients to provide a quick knockdown and a residual that lasts for hours for commercial and residential, including farms.
A professional systemic insecticide to control insects on golf courses, residential and commercial lawns and grounds, parks, sod farms, athletic fields and ornamental plants.
A flea and bed bug aerosol that contains Dinotefuran which is a reduced risk insecticide with 30 day protection and a IGR with 7 months of control for eggs.
A professional insecticide with contact and residual kill of insects for commercial and residential indoor and outdoor areas including ornamental plants.
Mattress Safe's PillowSafe Protector is a zippered pillow encasement that protects from mold, stains, bacteria, dust mite allergen and bed bug infestations - Standard, Queen, and King Sizes
An easy-to-use aerosol that is formulated with three active ingredients to provide three modes of action for quick knockdown and residual control of listed pests.
A broad-spectrum combination of insect growth regulator and insecticide used to effectively control and kill adult insects and future generations of listed pests, especially ants and German cockroaches.
Mattress Safe's PillowSafe Protector is a zippered pillow encasement that protects from mold, stains, bacteria, dust mite allergen and bed bug infestations - Standard, Queen, and King Sizes
A full body suit that is designed to help protect against bed bugs and other pests during inspection and treatment. 100% reusable and washable! 3 sizes available!
A professional contact kill insecticide aerosol with the active ingredient of Dinotefuran, the same as Alpine Dust that controls many crawling and flying insects.
A professional slow-release insecticide that is micro-encapsulated which provides long-lasting protection for commercial and residential indoor and outdoor areas.
ZappBug Room with heat treat couches, beds, furniture. It is easy to transport and can be assembled by one person under 10 min. Use this to save your furniture and save thousands of dollars in the process.
A full body suit that is designed to help protect against bed bugs and other pests during inspection and treatment. 100% reusable and washable! 3 sizes available!
A professional micro-encapsulated insecticide for commercial & residential indoor & outdoor applications including lawns and ornamental shrubs & trees.
A patented technology steamer that reaches 365°F and provides immediate results when treating bed bugs, bed bug nymphs, and bed bug eggs and does not require the use of insecticides.
A full body suit that is designed to help protect against bed bugs and other pests during inspection and treatment. 100% reusable and washable! 3 sizes available!
A professional insecticide that provides contact and residual control of insects for commercial & residential indoor & outdoor areas including landscaping and turf-grass.
The Trolley for Brio Pro 1000CT is a convenient, movable storage system for the 1000CT professional steam cleaner and includes a 1.3 gallon (5L) additional water capacity, connecting directly to the steam cleaner
A powerful insecticide with an easy-to-handle WG formulation that effectively controls a broad range of pests including American cockroaches and Argentine ants.
The Pro 1000CC takes on the most challenging cleaning and sanitizing jobs with ease. From hospitals and schools to restaurants and hotels it beats the performance and price of comparable machines in the steam-cleaning category.
A powerful insecticide with an easy-to-handle WG formulation that effectively controls a broad range of pests including American cockroaches and Argentine ants.
A RTU insecticide that is designed for spot treatments, quick contact kill, and in situations where a quick dry time and residual kill of adults and eggs are required.
Mattress Safe's FurnitureSafe Encasement - Curved Sectional Corner is a zippered encasement that will protect and recover your furniture from bed bug infestations
A zippered encasement designed to protect luggage from bed bug infestation. Made of a lightweight stretch knit fabric that packs easily to encase your luggage at your destination, SuitcaseSafe should be used for all types of travel.
Mattress Safe's FurnitureSafe Encasement - Curved Sectional Corner is a zippered encasement that will protect and recover your furniture from bed bug infestations
A ready-to-use insecticide that controls flying and crawling insect pests, especially in hard-to-reach areas.
What Are Bed Bugs?
If you’ve woken up with bites on your body you may think these are ant bites or flea bites, but these may instead be bed bug bites. Although bed bugs are a biting pest, they are not known to transmit Lyme disease to humans like other pests such as ticks. Bed bugs might also be confused with bat bugs which look similar; however, bat bugs do not prefer areas such as couches or sofas.
Bed bugs are found around the United States; however, they are much more prevalent in cities and areas where travel is common. Areas such as hotels, airports, and offices are common places where bed bugs might originate. Travel is a common reason as to what causes bed bugs, and it is not due to factors such as cleanliness.
If you suspect that you have gotten bed bugs from any of these places, you should complete a bed bug inspection to determine if bed bug control is needed. Completing an inspection is an important way to prevent bed bugs and deter them from your home.
What is the Best Way to Control Bed Bugs?
There are different methods of how to kill bed bugs, but the best way how to get rid of bed bugs is by using a combination of chemical and non-chemical control.
We offer you a variety of professional products that you can use to treat bedbugs by yourself, but it is important to keep in mind a bedbugs treatment can take several weeks or months. If you do not feel comfortable or do not have the time to do your own bed bug treatment, we recommend finding a professional pest control company that specializes in bed bug extermination.
Chemical and Non-Chemical Control of Bed Bugs
Chemical bed bug control can be accomplished with a variety of different products that you can choose from depending on your treatment needs. Chemical control for bed bugs includes
Bed Bug Dusts: Using an insecticide dust labeled for bed bugs is a great option for a crack and crevice treatment. Dusts such as Cimexa, which contains silicon dioxide, are effective options for killing bed bugs and reaching areas where bed bugs will harbor. Using a Bellow Hand Duster to apply the insecticide dust is essential for an easy and safe application.
Bed Bug Sprays: You can use a bed bug control spray that is a liquid concentrate or an aerosol. For both liquid and aerosol concentrates, it is important to read the product label for application directions.
Liquid Insecticide Concentrates: A residual or long-lasting liquid concentrate such as Onslaught FastCap or Suspend SC can be used to treat mattresses, furniture pieces, bed frames, and cracks and crevices.
Bed Bug Aerosols: Aerosol sprays can provide a contact kill of bed bugs, and some aerosol sprays can be used for a residual treatment as well. Contact sprays such as Steri-Fab Insecticide or pyrethrin sprays such as CB-80 Aerosol kill bed bugs immediately, on contact acting as a great spot treatment. Other aerosols such as Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol or PT Alpine Flea and Bed Bug Aerosol can provide both a contact and residual treatment. For Bedlam Insecticide Aerosol, we have a video that provides directions on how to apply Bedlam.
Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs): Using an IGR for your bed bug treatment is essential to prevent bed bugs from reproducing and controlling the bed bug population that you are dealing with. IGRs such as Gentrol IGR Concentrate or Gentrol Aerosol IGR can be used to control the bed bug life cycle.
Fortunately, we offer Bed Bug Kits that contain all the professional products that the pros use and allow you to use them for your bed bug treatment. Our Bed Bug Kits bundle essential products together, reducing the overall cost of bed bug treatment compared to purchasing each product separately. With all products in our kits, it is important to read the label for instructions on how to safely and effectively use bed bug control products.
A non-chemical approach can also be used for bed bug removal in your home. Some options for non-chemical control for bed bugs include
Vacuums: Using a vacuum to target infested bed bug harborages can be effective if it is done right. Because bed bugs and their eggs cling tightly to surfaces, it is best to scrape the end of the vacuum repeatedly over the target area. Do not use a brush attachment, as some bed bugs and eggs will remain alive in the bristles and be transferred to other areas of the home. After vacuuming, the vacuum bag should be removed, sealed tightly in a garbage bag, and discarded immediately to control for bed bugs and eggs that may have survived.
Steamers: Temperatures of 120°F are lethal to bed bugs (as well as most other insects), and the use of a steamer kills both bed bugs and eggs on contact. The best steamer to use for bed bugs is one that emits very little moisture and has a large brush head. When using a steamer, the vapor should be hot, and the steamer head should be directly over the surface being treated. Items that might be damaged by high heat or finished wood surfaces should not be treated using a steamer, however, you should use a different form of control for these items or surfaces.
Encasement: With the right Bed Bug Mattress Covers or Bed Bug Couch Covers is one of the most effective methods for controlling for bed bugs. An encasement stops bed bugs from spreading as not only will your furniture be protected, but if any bed bugs are on the furniture, they will be trapped in the cover and eventually die.
Bed Bug Traps: Using bed bug traps is important for not only stopping bed bugs from infesting items but also helping identify items that may be infested. The different types of bed bug traps include bed post traps, bed bug monitors, and CO2 traps. When selecting and using a trap it is important to read the trap’s product label to determine how to use the trap and where to place it.
Elimination of Harborages: Reducing the number of areas where bed bugs can occupy, or harbor is an important method to reduce the bed bug population. A caulk or other sealant should be used to close off cracks, crevices, gaps around plumbing and ductwork, and other entry points near floors, walls, and ceilings. Clutter such as stacks of books, papers, boxes, and piles of clothing should also be eliminated as these are areas where bed bugs will harbor.
Washer & Dryer: When bed bugs manage to infest personal items such as bedding and clothing that cannot be treated with pesticides, a great non-chemical treatment is to wash and dry the items on the hottest possible setting. The typical dryer will reach up to 180° F, a temperature lethal to bed bugs and their eggs. Other items that can be treated in the washer and dryer, or just the dryer alone include soft toys, rugs, backpacks, and footwear.
Disposal: Throwing away infested items can be a way to quickly get rid of bed bugs that you are dealing with. Before discarding any infested items, always bag or wrap them to prevent any bed bugs from remaining after removal.
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We sell professional do it yourself pest control (diy), exterminator and
extermination insecticide, pesticide, chemical and bug killer treatment
products to spray, eliminate and exterminate pests.
Many of our products are not available in stores
such as Home Depot, Walmart or Lowes.