Like butterflies, moths are mostly harmless unless they get inside your home. Pantry moths and clothing moths can damage your home, and a large infestation of any moth is a nuisance. Our professional grade moth control products will target moths and their larvae, allowing you to do it yourself and leaving your home and property moth free.
A professional termiticide insecticide that control over 75 insects for commercial & residential indoor & outdoor applications including lawns & ornamentals.
A professional insecticide with contact and residual kill of insects for commercial and residential indoor and outdoor areas including ornamental plants.
A professional aerosol insecticide with contact and residual kill of bed bugs, fleas, ticks, lice and dust mites for commercial and residential indoors.
A professional water dispersable granular insecticide that is a contact kill for flying and crawling insects for commercial and residential indoor and outdoor applications.
A professional insecticide concentrate featuring a proprietary polymer layer that protects the active ingredient from weather, irrigation and mechanical abrasion and will last up to 90 days outdoors.
A professional insecticide that provides contact and residual control of insects for commercial & residential indoor & outdoor areas including landscaping and turf-grass.
A professional insecticide with residual control of over 200 insects for commercial & residential indoor & outdoor applications including lawns and landscaping.
A professional aerosol insecticide fogger that kills fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, roaches, and others for commercial and residential applications of 5,000 cubic ft. per can.
Ready-to-use aerosol spray that combines powerful Temprid performance with Bag-on-Value spray technology to control hard-to-kill pests like spiders, bed bugs, fleas and more.
A professional insecticide aerosol with contact and residual control for commercial and residential indoor and outdoor applications including food handling areas.
A professional aerosol insecticide fogger with a quick kill and a 30 day residual for ants, flies, fleas, ticks and roaches in rooms up to 5,000 square feet.
A professional aerosol dust insecticide with natural Pyrethrin with silica for a contact kill with a residual and repellent for commercial and residential buildings.
A professional TR aerosol insecticide for space treatments of 5,000 sq. ft. with a contact kill of flying and crawling insects in commercial and residential indoor areas, including food handling.
A professional insecticide that is an IGR (Insect Growth Regulator) for commercial & residential and indoor & outdoor applications including lawns and landscaping.
An professional insecticide aerosol contact kill pyrethrum for commercial and residential indoor and outdoor applications including food processing areas.
A professional insecticide that prevents and controls termites, carpenter ants, and other insects around homes, athletic fields, lawns, ornamental plants.
A professional insecticide aerosol with 2 active ingredients to provide a quick knockdown and a residual that lasts for hours for commercial and residential, including farms.
An insecticide spray can that is a one month supply in a wall dispenser and treats up to 6,000 cubic feet for flies, gnats, mosquitoes and small flying moths.
A specially designed hanging station that uses standard 16 oz. cup for trapping and baiting flying insects such as flies, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, flies, and other flying insects.
A professional aerosol insecticide that has contact and residual kill for 30 to 90 days for commercial and residential use, including food handling areas and indoors and outdoors.
Professional strength liquid concentrate insecticide containing bifenthrin; labeled to treat over 75 of the toughest and most common residential and commercial pests.
Barricor SP is a broad spectrum insecticide that can be used both indoors and outside. Perfect for preventative perimeter pest control applications and controls a wide range of pests.
A professional water-based misting insecticide designed for automatic misting and spraying systems for commercial and residential indoor and outdoor applications.
A professional contact kill insecticide aerosol with the active ingredient of Dinotefuran, the same as Alpine Dust that controls many crawling and flying insects.
Luralite Cento Plus, the 18 watt model, is a compact and reliable insect catching system, designed as the discreet solution to front of house applications - bars, cafes, restaurants.
An oil-based lure gel containing pheromones which effectively attracts Indian meal moths, Tobacco Moths, Almond moths, Mediterranean Flour moths, Raisin moths, and more.
A natural insecticide for misting systems in residential & commercial indoor & outdoor applications that is environmentally safe for livestock and domestic animals.
An organic insecticide nematicide that is an insect growth regulator (IGR) that controls and repels over 300 insects in commercial & residential applications.
A professional insecticide for ornamental plants, non-bearing fruit and nut trees in nurseries and greenhouses, residential and commercial landscapes, interior plantscapes,
A professional micro-emulsion insecticide for commercial & residential, indoor & outdoor use on mosquitoes and other flying insects and includes the use on livestock.
A professional systemic insecticide that controls insects in turf-grass and landscape ornamental plants on golf courses, sod farms and interior plantscapes.
A professional insecticide that is an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) for ornamental plants & vegetables in commercial greenhouses, nurseries and shadehouses.
An insecticide formulated to provide long-lasting control and prevent termite, ant, and other pest infestations around construction areas, also in structures.
A professional microencapsulated Pyrethrin insecticide for commercial & residential indoor & outdoor applications, including landscaping plants & shrubs.
A biological liquid insecticide that effectively eliminates and controls the spread of thrips, aphids and others from damaging field and greenhouse crops.
A ready-to-use insecticide that controls flying and crawling insect pests, especially in hard-to-reach areas.
Moth Control Basics
Moths aren’t difficult to control, but it is important to understand what you’re dealing with when it comes to moths. There are only a handful of moths that homeowners have problems with. Clothes moths, which are destructive to stored wool and fur products, pantry moths (or Indian meal moths) that are destructive to stored grain products, and gypsy moths, which are heavy defoliators. Below are steps to take when dealing with a moth infestation based on the three moths mentioned above. While other moths may become nuisances, the basic control principles remain the same for all types of moths.
Damage: The three moths discussed in this article can cause significant damage. All moth larvae, or caterpillars, can cause damage to plants, but the moths discussed here cause specific damage to specific items, or are especially damaging.
Clothes moths: The larvae of these moths will eat through stored woolen clothing, damage furs, eat through felt pads in pianos, and cause general damage to any animal-based clothing, and may congregate where hair collects (baseboards, etc).
Pantry moths: This species of moth feed on stored grain products and other foods and can chew through cardboard and plastic packaging. They infest products and render them unusable, and these food products include: dried fruit, cornmeal, cereals, chocolate, crackers, dry pet food, etc. They can spin a silken web-like material as they feed and cause unpleasant odors.
Gypsy moths: Gypsy moth caterpillars cause serious economic damage by heavy defoliation of many types of trees.
General moth damage: Adult moths are rarely the cause of the damage. Caterpillars, or moth larvae, are voracious eaters and can cause significant damage to their preferred food source, be it
Monitoring: This is a key step in moth control because it will help you determine whether you have an infestation, the scope of the infestation, and lets you take inventory of the damage. First, you’ll want to check for any visible damage.
Clothes moths: Larvae feed on wool clothing, carpets, rugs, stored wool items, furs, fish food, felt pads in pianos, and any other stored organic materials. You will need to inspect all of these products, including beneath clothing cuffs and collars, cracks and crevices of furniture, and underneath furniture especially where carpet is present. Some species create silken webbing, so keep an eye out for that as well. Inspect all stored susceptible clothing, as well as where hair collects. Look for live moths and larvae, eggs, etc.
Pantry moths: These moths are found anywhere that grain-based food products are stored. Indian meal moth larvae, the most common type of pantry moths, will feed on any product they can find, even traces of flour. Look for larvae, eggs, and the small adult moths in areas where grain-based food is stored. When the larvae feed on the material, there will be feces present and the food can take on an unpleasant odor that you may notice.
Gypsy moths: Gypsy moths use a wide variety of trees as hosts. Egg masses, which look like tan or gold colored patches on tree bark, are an early indicator of an imminent gypsy moth problem. Seeing adult moths in your area previous to the egg masses, and having experienced the defoliating larvae in the past are good predictors of an infestation. Keep an eye on trees in your area.
Prevention: Prevention techniques for almost any indoor pest are very similar. Simply put, you need to ensure that the susceptible area or item does not offer food, water, or shelter to discourage inhabitation. If you don’t currently have an infestation, or are trying to get rid of one now, these steps are important to follow when avoiding or getting rid of moths.
Clothes moths: To prevent a clothes moth infestation, it all comes down to proper storage. Susceptible clothing must be kept in mothproof containers, such as wood or hard plastic, that can’t be chewed through. The containers should be properly sealed. All clothes must be washed or dry-cleaned before storage, as soiled clothing or fabrics are more susceptible to damage. Keep storage area clean, free of cobwebs, etc.
Pantry moths: Pantry moth prevention starts at the grocery store, checking vulnerable food for any signs of insects. Look for eggs, larvae, and adult moths. Make sure you keep your pantry or food storage area clean and free of spills, and that all food is in tightly sealed containers, preferably glass or hard plastic. Keep your food in a rotation: older food to the front, newer food to the back, and try to only buy what you will use in a few months.
Gypsy moths: A big part of prevention efforts for gypsy moths begins with the eggs. Egg masses on trees should be removed and placed in a bucket of soapy water. Very cold temperatures can kill the eggs. Keeping trees healthy can help trees bounce back from any insect damage, including gypsy moths.
General moth prevention: Make sure your home is well sealed against insect intruders. Moths are often attracted to lights, so keeping shades shut can decrease moths gathering near your windows. Keep any possible food sources out of reach of moths, and reduce any possible shelter for the moths and other insects, indoors and out.
Trapping: Moth traps can be used for reduction of populations (if populations aren’t too large) and to help monitor your current situation. Placing traps in susceptible areas before an infestation will help you detect the first signs of any moths in your area. All moth traps use pheromones, or sex hormones, to trap one half of a moth population. They help you to pinpoint the “hot spots” of an infestation. Always read instructions carefully and thoroughly before use.
Insecticides: For indoor moths, aerosol insecticides formulated for moths will work great, but you will want to look for long lasting products that continue to work after you spray. This helps to continue control for weeks or months between applications. Outdoors, look for residual products to spray on susceptible or moth-heavy areas. Gypsy moths are susceptible to insecticides and natural predators, like birds and bats, that can help to keep populations at a minimum. We carry kits for clothes moths and pantry moths, and many products formulated to work on gypsy moth caterpillars and a wide range of other nuisance moths.
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We sell professional do it yourself pest control (diy), exterminator and
extermination insecticide, pesticide, chemical and bug killer treatment
products to spray, eliminate and exterminate pests.
Many of our products are not available in stores
such as Home Depot, Walmart or Lowes.